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Orange webmail not working?

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For the past few days whenever I log on to Orange webmail I've been getting this message:


Sometimes a refresh clears it, other times not. Any ideas?

My normal email via Outlook is working fine. 

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I'm on W7 and have both versions (32bit and 64bit) of IE9.

I use the 32bit quite often because the 64bit version of Flash Player is still not available (beta only), so if I know that I'm going to need Flash Player I use 32bit. I can't find anything yet to explain the Orange webmail problem but I haven't looked too hard; I'm busy on other jobs, and so long as I know there's a workaround I use that. [geek]

EDIT: It's working now! My "Favourite" link was direct to the messagerie; I found that if I went to the welcome page (which is the automatic route anyway), and then to the messagerie and re-saved the Favourite, it now works OK. Odd, but never mind. [:D]

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I have Vista Ultimate 64 and W7 Ultimate 64 on two machines. I have to say that on both running the 64 bit version of either IE8 or 9 has created problems resulting in the browser either locking or just crashing where as there are no problems with the 32 bit version. I am quite negative towards W7 in that a lot of stuff does not work with it. My HP all in one printer for instance does not work wireless and the installation keeps freezing or can't see the printer (HP are on their second attempt now) although W7 does include a driver just for printing that works but then you can't fax or scan. The only media extender I have got to work with W7 is the Xbox, the Linksys will just keep loosing network connection or freezing but it works fine with Vista. Don't get me wrong W7 is a nice operating system but many peripheral vendors have yet to release stable drivers or even drivers for 64 bit use plus there is also a lack of 32 bit drivers. Perhaps its because W8 (Milestone 3) is already going out to OEM's so they can start writing drivers and will be released next year. Then there is the Google operating system due for release this year (which is why the W8 release date has been brought forward) which is Android based and can use Android phone apps as well as it's own new 'Office' suite. So my guess is any compatibility problems with W7 will now move to the back of the 'to do' queue. So if I were you just use the 32 bit version or another browser.
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Thanks Quillan. Actually I'm quite happy with W7 and the new browser (IE9); so far no problems. But you are right about other vendors not getting stuff out, the biggest culprit being Adobe and the 64bit Flash Player. Heaven knows they've had long enough surely! You can download a pre-release version now but I'm not here to do their system testing (I gave up that job when I retired!!).

I just remembered that I have 1 problem and it's to do with networking; I can't share my printer with my old laptop which is still running XP Pro. I've read numerous forums about it some people get it to work and others don't! I'm one of the latter! Currently I'm emailing stuff to my new laptop for printing!! Fortunately it's not something that needs doing very often.


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One of the reasons I like wireless printers you simply load the 'right' software on to each machine, except if its W7 of course in my case.

Edit.: I just checked my Adobe Photoshop CS5 Pro 64 bit and thats got a 64 bit version of Flash player built in!

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