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Are all TVs sold now TNT-HD capable?

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Finally about to take the plunge to update one of our 22" CRTs.

Am I right in thinking that ALL TVs sold in France now have on-board HD TNT tuners,   ie DVB-T with MPEG 4?

I'm looking at stuff on Amazon but the fine distinction between MPEG 2 and MPEG 4 seems to escape their attention,  and for France it is of course fundamental if one wants TNT HD.

I realise (having preached about if often enough to others) that there are few if any DVB-T2 tuners around at present in France.

Since the increase of power at Limoges Les Cars the TNT signal received on our aerial has become usable,   although I fear this may not remain the case when the leaves are fully out,  particularly the higher-frequency MUXs.


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Our new 8 series Samsung (March 2011) has a much better/clearer/crisper picture than our friend's new state-of-the-art Sony (Dec 2010); according to my OH.

We only realised this when OH was called in by our friend to look at her deteriorating picture reception, after which he diagnosed a failing LNB; but he said, in an aside to me, that, IHHO, we had made the right choice of Samsung over Sony.**

**Don't want to upset any Sony enthusiasts just relating OH's opinion vis-a-vis the two TVs.


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Be wary with Series notations.

For example a Series 7 is buyable in Europe. But I purchased a Series 6.Read the following.

IMPORTANT : d'après les informations que nous avons, le tuner TNT HD des séries C7000 serait bridé sur les pays UK et Irlande. Si vous comptez acheter ce produit, vérifiez que la marchand vous propose un tuner TNT HD externe compatible avec la France ou sinon orientez-vous vers le PS50C6970 (remplaçant du PS50C7700) qui a bien un tuner compatible.

IMPORTANT : Selon le constructeur, le PS50C6970 remplacerait le modèle PS50C7700. Le plasma C7700 aurait des problèmes de marquage au niveau de la dalle. Le C6970 disposerait d'un meilleur filtre anti-reflets et n'aurait plus le Real Black Filter

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