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Can I dial a UK 0845 no from France?

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I thought it was not possible to dial an 0845 tel no from France, but maybe that was only via France Telecom numbers. 

I've already searched the forum but no definite reply.

We now have the internet phone package with supposedly unlimited landline calls via and Orange and a livebox.  (until you read the small print!)

Reading the (very) small print, it looks like special numbers are not free, but this is more a question of is it possible.

Has anyone tried to phone 0845 UK nos from an orange/livebox, and did you succeed, and did you get charged?

I have already asked for a direct 01etc no, but they say they do not have one......

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Yes you can - dial 0044 first, then omit the 0 from the 0845, the the rest of the numbers.

We have that Orange package too, and  I think they are free, there's one listed on the last bill, not charged.

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Try this website:


You can put in the non-geographical number and it will give you direct dial alternatives. These are normal UK numbers which, if you use the internet phone, then cost you nothing, nada, zilch.

The site is fairly comprehensive but there are times when it fails to find a number.

Always worth a try.
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Thanks everyone,

Sorry, I should have said I'd already tried say no to .... and it failed.

I think I shall just have to try it and see what happens, unless anyone comes up with  a more concrete answer ...

I do find these "local" 0845 numbers irritating - I disliked them in the UK and I dislike them even more  now..... on a par with SMS and mobile phones...

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Have you tried dialing via Telrabas?

For 0845  numbers or other 0800 numbers  dial 0826 850 850, you will hear a recorded telerabas message- when this gets to  ' vous payez dès maintenant' you can  start  to dial the uk number : 00 44 845 and so on, at the end of the number press the  # key and hey presto!

For ordinary UK numbers first dial 0811 310 310 instead of the  access number above then continue as above. Don't forget to add # at the end of the number you are dialling

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I haven't checked this,  but are you sure that with Telerabais and the rest that you aren't paying an exhorbitant rate?

I ask as - working the other way - I enquired of our carrier in Britain (Superline) the cost of dialling an 09 number (local rate) in France.  They hadn't a clue,  so very kindly dialled one themselves and then checked the cost - 30 p per minute ladies and gentlemen.

If the organisation say there isn't a landline number they are lying.   Plain and simple.   Unless you really can't (eg a tax office) then do business with ANYONE else.

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If you are using the telephone through the computer and livebox and are on the call package then yes you can dial 0845 numbers. Just call the same way as any other UK number (leaving the 0 out). They are free of charge on this package.

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Thanks, that's what I  hoped to hear.

I am pretty sure there must be an 01 number too, but there are I think some companies now where they can use 0845 instead of 01 .... I will persevere, but have now solved the immediate and urgent problem, and for most of the time communication by email is possible and for me preferable.  It was just that I needed to talk to someone urgently, and  the last time I tried to dial an 0845 it did not work, so I slightly panicked..

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