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Help Updating Internet Explorer

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We are still using the Internet Explorere that was installed when we bought this pc in 2003 and we need to update to IE 8.

I really am lost and totally lacking in confidence in this sort of thing so would someone kindly set me on the right track please.

Do I need to do anything more than just download IE8?

Will I need to de-install whatever IE it is we have at the moment?

Will the new IE make much difference to what we see/are used to doing on line?

We have a computer bought in France, french keyboard but have English version of WindowsXP Home 2002 service pack 2

I know this is all very very basic but.... that is the level I'm at!

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Hi Pierre, thanks for speedy response..

Afraid I don't know what version we have now, it is whatever was installed when we bought the computer.

The reason we need to update I think is because we now keep getting messages on some sites saying we cannot access all parts of the site because we are using an outdated version of IE. I don't want this to become a nuisance, particularly as far as online banking is concerned.

We have not considered Chrome or other options because for a pair of old duffers like us, familiarity- which is what I'd hope to find with IE8- is important.

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 Glad I didn't take you on for a tenner- You are spot on Pierre , 'tis version 6!!

Am quite prepared to do as you say and go for IE 7, but as a matter of interest ,if you have time, explain to me why you suggest that I go for IE 7 and not IE8??


PS you want to know how big a duffer I am? It's taken me 5 mins to decide which Help icon to click on.............duh!!


PPS big thank you!

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Well, IE8 will run on you machine and it is even a little faster than IE7 but I feel you won't have enough memory and it will struggle to cope.

The minimum requirement in 512Kb RAM but I think this is entirely optimistic and 2Gb is more realistic, judging from the age of your machine you probably have only 512K unless you added some more.

IE7 will solve your compatability issues and will be a more familiar layout.  IE8 had some bugs and compatability problems when it came out but I expect that got fixed.

How to install IE7 is here http://www.wikihow.com/Upgrade-to-Internet-Explorer-7   dead easy.

IE9 is also available but that won't work on your PC.

I would really urge you to consider Chrome (or even Firefox) much faster / nicer / safer  [geek]

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I disagree with Pierre on a number of points;

1) Most Windows XP installations will run well with 1GB of RAM. For specialist tasks, extra RAM may be of benefit but most users would not notice any improvement in performance.

2) 512Mb is not the minimum RAM required for IE8, it will run in much less RAM than that.

3) Forget IE7, upgrading to IE8 is a no brainer. Better performance, compatibility and security.

4) BEFORE upgrading, Sue would be well advised to make sure that (as a minimum) XP Service Pack 3 is installed.

I don't disagree that Chrome is possibly a superior alternative but in my experience IE8 does the job for most people, and provided the machine is not bogged down by the usual assortment of dubious software installed by over zealous install programs, it runs very well.

That's just my 2'penneth...feel free to disagree ;-)

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Thanks to everyone for all the advice, I will finally get there and become updated very shortly.   I've been a bit side- tracked by the urge to do some gardening and  by a bit of umming and ahhing... Nothing on this 'puter has been saved or backed up so far and a friend gave me quite a talking to and said before I do anything else I should get hold of an external hard disk( ??) and back up everything on here and then do my updating etc.  really sometimes I feel as if I should retreat to the days of pen and ink and black bakerlite telephones, where I obviously belong. Will keep talking myself into it..

Thanks Sue

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Its unlikely your 12 year old PC is running Vista or Windows 7. Therefore as Albert pointed out, it can't run IE9.

As regards Orange saying there are problems with IE9. What problems? I've run IE9 for months and its fine and a bit faster than IE8. However, I don't like the new interface. For example, the favorites button is stuck on the RHS and it can't be moved to the left. Also the new menu structure is poor in my opinion. They've tried to make the interface too like Chrome (which I also use) and in doing so have ditched some of the useful bits from IE8.
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