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Internet security .....

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When I reply to friends emails I cant use the reply button as this comes up  unicode (UTF-8) does any one have any Idea what this means ? We are concerned that some one may be watching his emails as he is going through pre divorce proceedings at the moment and has a very crafty wife  ..... He has the same problem when trying to push the reply button to me and this is the only person it happens to for me ....  

Or is it another problem altogether ?


Any Ideas ?

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unicode (UTF-8) is nothing sinister, it's just the name given to the set of characters used by your PC. Can't think why you're getting this when hitting 'reply'.

Some more info might help (what machine/operating system/browser/email client) and the full error message if there is one
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Thanks Pierre thats a relief ..... computer is going in for a clean up soon so hopfully it will be sorted . All I get is a empty box with that code in ...nothing else . I was just worried for him that his crafty wife had hacked into his emails some way ...
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