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Free.fr limiting international calls.

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Within the last month, I have noticed that if I make more than say 90 mins of calls to the UK(per day), my line becomes blocked for further international calls, until midnight. I sent an email to free, to ask whats happening. There response was this:


Nous prenons connaissance de votre eMail.

Vous nous contactez dans le cadre de la limitation de la durée des appels émis vers l'international depuis la ligne téléphonique Free.

Nous vous informons que cette limitation n'est pas de notre fait, cela fait partie des usages de la téléphonie dit "en bon père de famille", soit un usage raisonnable, modéré, ni professionnel ni abusif des ressources qui sont mises à votre disposition.

En effet, conformément aux modalités définies par l\'ARCEP, l\'utilisation du Service téléphonique dépourvue d\'un caractère raisonnable est considérée comme étant abusive. A savoir, l\'utilisation ininterrompue du Service de Téléphonique par le biais d\'une composition automatique et en continu de numéros sur la ligne Freebox.

Une telle utilisation pourra faire l\'objet d\'une restriction à hauteur d\'une heure par jour des appels compris dans le forfait émis, sans toutefois restreindre ni les appels entrants, ni les appels sortants émis en national ou vers les destinations internationales dont l\'utilisation est payante. Cette restriction pourra être mise en œuvre pendant une durée de 7 jours.

Pour plus d'informations, je vous invite à consulter les conditions spécifiques de téléphonie "Article 5" sur le lien : https://adsl.free.fr/cgv/CS_Telephone_Free_HD.pdf.

De ce fait, nous vous invitons à mieux gérer vos appels téléphoniques afin d'éviter ces coupures.

Nous restons à votre disposition pour toute information complémentaire.

Nous vous prions de recevoir, Monsieur, nos sincères salutations..

Now my French, isn't bad. But are they suggesting that I am being punished, because they feel I am abusing my phone??? Just a bit confused, as to how to rectify the problem

Cheers for any advice.
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I can't get the link to work, but on the face of this, Article 5 of the T&Cs seems to limit your calls to an hour a day - is that right?

I must get one of these contracts - finally, a way to cut my mother off after she's whined on for an hour![6]

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What they're saying is that if they suspect that you may be using the phone service for dubious calls, like

  • file-sharing
  • gambling
  • using a non-geographic number which could be a means of earning money
  • using the freebox to make continuous automated calls
  • re-routing calls
  • sharing access outside the designated home
  • using the service in an unreasonable manner
they are within their right to suspend the service to 1 hour every day for up to 7 consecutive days.

They say the suspension does not affect incoming calls, nor outgoing calls to national, not international calls which are normally charged for.

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T&C if you read it are dated 28/12/10, so fairly recent.

Article 5 on Page 4 gives details of abusive usage.

Looks like they got you on an unreasonable use and are restricting you in agreement with conditions to 1 hour per day.

It is the first time I knew of this but I am " a good father, not a god father![:)]

EDIT: to include one hour restriction text.























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Well I don't gamble or abuse the phone. Never have.

The only difference in the last few months, is that my wife is pregnant, so is using the phone more, but only to the same numbers as before.

Any idea how I can contest this mis justice?

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

I must get one of these contracts - finally, a way to cut my mother off after she's whined on for an hour![6]


No, Coops, it's your own fault for giving her your number. Anyhoo, you don't need a contract to do this, just apply a digit to the off button on your phone.


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[quote user="Iceni"][quote user="cooperlola"]

I must get one of these contracts - finally, a way to cut my mother off after she's whined on for an hour![6]


, you don't need a contract to do this, just apply a digit to the off button on your phone.


[/quote]She would just call back - I've tried it.
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[quote user="richyrich2"] Any idea how I can contest this mis justice? thanks[/quote]

Ermm, dont rip the ar5e out of it springs to mind [;-)] Unless of course you meant your wifes pregnancy being the misjustice [6]

I am sure that untill recently international calls became chargeable after over an hours duration, but maybe I am having a senior moment, I do recall that they were routinely cut off after exactly an hour which would suit Cooperlola, it used to suit me with my family but it no longer seems to happen.

Some sort of bon pere agreement is necessary especially when you consider the mobiles inclusive option, Free.fr are currently paying for every minute that their customers use to IIRC Bouygues telecom.

I cant wait untill they launch their own mobile service later this year.

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[quote user="richyrich2"]

Any idea how I can contest this mis justice?


Assuming you have signed up to the latest terms and conditions, i.e. you agreed to this,  then you can't really contest it.

Like it or lump it, I think. Change provider if you want international inclusive calls without restriction.

Orange, for example, has some limitations on their VOIP service - up to 500 different numbers per month but no time limit per day. Unless you go over 24 hours in a day strangely!! (l'utilisation du Service de Téléphone par internet générant une consommation de communications supérieure à 24h par jour)


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Update. Emailed free again today. Explained I am not abusing their phone. Reply was this:


Nous prenons connaissance de votre eMail.

Vous nous contactez à propos de la limitation des appels vers l'international.

Je suis au regret de vous informer que Free n'a aucun intérêt de limiter les appels vers les destinations international.

En revanche, L'ARCEP souhaite maîtriser les appels sortants vers ces destinations.

Nous restons à votre disposition pour toute information complémentaire.

Nous vous prions de recevoir, Monsieur, nos sincères salutations.

So. They say it's not their fault, but the fault of ARCEP, who are they????

Also. It's not that I get cut off if a call is more than an hour( I understand that ), It's after 60-90 mins cumulative, I can no longer make any international calls at all.

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[quote user="richyrich2"] They say it's not their fault, but the fault of ARCEP, who are they???? Also. It's not that I get cut off if a call is more than an hour( I understand that ), It's after 60-90 mins cumulative, I can no longer make any international calls at all. Thanks[/quote]French equivalent of OFTEL: (not exactly but that's the nearest I can think of.)


Sorry, the 60 minute thing was my mistake.  See Clair's post for the full and much better translation/interpretation.

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Richyrich, that response is just fobbing you off. It has nothing to do with ARCEP. If it was, all the companies would need to follow this.

If you want unlimited calls, your only choice is to change provider.



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