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No Forum Admin?Can you Help?

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For about a month all postings on all forums have been appearing in alphabetical order on my computer. Consequently the latest posts could be on any page and it would take the patience of a saint to trawl through to keep up to date. Needless to say, I don't have that patience, or the time. It's worse still when none of the new messages are flagged, which also happens.

I've contacted Forum Admin twice over the last fortnight but to no avail.

Any solutions, anyone? I delayed contacting Forum Admin for a good while as I assumed it was a blip on the Forum website or me pressing the wrong button. Now it's driving me mad. Help, please!

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LAST EDITED ON 29-Jun-02 AT 01:34 PM (GMT)

Is it likely that you clicked onto the red banner at the top of one of the discussion pages? It says DISCUSSION TOPIC - if you do this it organises the contents in alphabetical order. A click on one discussion heading will reorder the whole forum.

Click on DATE/TIME and the messages will be re-organised by date.

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