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[quote user="Quillan"]I would have thought 3D is better for 'action' stuff rather than watching music?[/quote]

The pay channels such as Sky do sport which is suited to 3D. However Opera is particularly good in 3D.

In Poitiers they do 3D Opera as a special event.

There are 2 CGR cinemas in Poitiers.

Refer to link for CGR venues.


P.S. Quillan (the place) seems to be in a cultural back-water.[:D]



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[quote user="pachapapa"]

P.S. Quillan (the place) seems to be in a cultural back-water.[:D]


Shows that you don't know everything then doesn't it. Only the year before last was the new theatre completed and there is at least one concert or play on per week. During the summer the Cannes Jazz festival visits for a week as does the International Folk Festival, we have motor sports including hill climbing, we have the La Tour every other year, BMX competition with people from all ver France attending, International Guitar festival, various art exibitions and that's just a few of things. I fail however to see how seeing some person screech away at Opera can be any more exciting in 3D than 2D, sort of put it somewhere between watching grass grow and paint dry. Still if your not willing to pay for proper 3D TV I guess you have to get what you can. It just seems a bit of a waste of money to me but then what do  know.

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