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Undelivered mail - Orange

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Does anyone on here use domain forwarding for email, and in particular to an Orange.fr mailbox?

Since yesterday none of my email, sent via my domain forwarding, is reaching me. Senders receive an undelivered report like this....

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of
its recipients. The following addresses failed:


SMTP error from remote server in greeting:
host smtp-in.orange.fr[]:
550 mwinf5c02 ME Service refuse. Veuillez essayer plus tard. Service refused, please try later. OFR006_103 [103]

.... where xxxxx.xxxxx@orange.fr is my "proper" orange address.

Interesting that part of the message in in English.

This is going to be a real pain for me if Orange have suddenely decided to block such messages, but I want to know if anyone else is having the same problem before I try to bang my head against the Orange Customer Service wall!


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I've come across the same thing from time to time

Strangely it's only to one friend's email address and not all the time!

I hate these intermittant faults.  Sometimes Orange will block a message for no reason that I can see (eg not a big mail or dodgy content in any way) but a subsequent mail, like the Pony Express, will get through.

Very frustrating and I'm sorry I can't offer a solution.

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Thanks Pierre. I'm trying to see if it's an isolated problem. Unfortunately I can see similar recent queries on the Orange.fr forums, and with comments about the unhelpful customer service department, and of course no solution. I'm dreading trying to explain, in French, what's wrong! 

Very frustrating when a system which has been working perfectly (almost... Orange is NEVER perfect) for the last 4 or 5 years. As usual I'll have to find my own solution or workaround. Doubly frustrating at the moment as my wife's mother is unwell in UK and we are expecting, and not receiving, updates on her condition.

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That's an reasonable idea, but I have an alternative in place already, thanks. 

Strangly enough though, it seems as though it's suddenly been put right. I added some comments on the Orange forum, really without any hope of assistance, but several emails from UK and S Africa have turned up this afternoon, all via my domain addresses. A bit early to say it's fixed, but fingers-crossed!

I bet it's the usual problem of a lack of proper testing; I find this so common these days; "A simple change, so I'll just do it now, while no-one is looking, there, that's it!" and then it all starts going wrong almost immediately but nobody owns up. When I were a lad..., never mind trudging to the mill at 5 o'clock etc, but we had to rigorously test everything before it got anywhere near the user. You see poor design and lack of testing everywhere now, it's all done in a rush. 

There, I really have been Mr Grumpy today!

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I follow this forum regularly and have been helped greatly by it although this is my first posting.

The messages are probably being treated as spam by an over-active spam filter.  I *think* the problem can be solved by logging onto the Orange site and finding the link that lets you change the spam settings.  If you set it so that "undesirable" mail is sent to your mail box the problem will stop, You will probably find that spam is currently directed to a special folder. I guess this means you get more spam.

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Though this might be nothing to do with your problem, we lost our internet connection about 5pm last night - with Orange - and did the usual unplug scenario this mornign, now OK.

But tonight I had an email saying

Depuis le 5 septembre, vous avez peut-être rencontré des perturbations dans l'utilisation de votre téléphone par internet.

Nous avons corrigé ce dysfonctionnement. Il vous faut maintenant redémarrer votre livebox, afin de retrouver un accès complet à ce service. Il suffit de débrancher et rebrancher votre Livebox.

Now we  had no problem with the internet telephone (though we did not use it, it still worked when we investigated when there was no livebox) but this might have been triggering the redirection (or not) that you were suffering.  Who knows, but certainly Orange had a problem yesterday.

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Hi Tarrot, I already do as you suggest. I prefer to see my spam rather than letting "them" (Orange) delete it for me. The occasional genuine message gets dumped. Yes, it goes into a special "indesirables" folder in my Orange Messagerie.

Thanks for that, Judith; I checked earlier for "peturbations" and the only one was as you mention "Vous pouvez rencontrer des perturbations sur votre service de téléphonie par Internet depuis le 05/09 à 11h si vous êtes client Orange disposant d'une Livebox Sagem 1.1. Pour retrouver le service, veuillez redémarrer votre Livebox en suivant la procédure disponible ici."

I don't use telephone by internet and I don't have a livebox.

It all appears to be working again now, so all I have to do is let everyone, who I have already contacted today, know that I'm back on my old address. Doh! [:-))]

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Hi Tarrot, I don't want spam to get as far as my Outlook; I prefer to see it in the "indesirables" folder in the Orange Messagerie. Nothing appeared there today when the mails were getting rejected so I can't see why the change you suggest would help; I believe it was being blocked at the Orange mail server.

Thanks for that, Judith; I checked earlier for "peturbations" and the only one was as you mention "Vous pouvez rencontrer des perturbations sur votre service de téléphonie par Internet depuis le 05/09 à 11h si vous êtes client Orange disposant d'une Livebox Sagem 1.1. Pour retrouver le service, veuillez redémarrer votre Livebox en suivant la procédure disponible ici."

I don't use telephone by internet and I don't have a livebox.

It all appears to be working again now, so all I have to do is let everyone, who I have already contacted today, know that I'm back on my old address. Doh! [:-))]

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