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Internet via Satellite

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I am looking into the possibility of having my internet via satellite. Seems to me to be cheaper and a lot faster...Anyone out there have it yet and what are the fors and againsts..

At the moment I have internet via a livebox with a speed approaching 512mbits if I'm very lucky... I live in the sticks and am about 7.5km from the nearest exchange. It's costing me around €30 a month plus the line rental and at least once a month I loose internet connection and have to contact Orange to get it sorted.

Thanks in advance

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The current crop of Satellite Internet deals via the relatively new ka-sat offer up to 10mb download and 4mb upload, but cheap they ain't. Initial installation costs can be in the €300 range and the monthly sub as much as €84.

There are cheaper offers of course.

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I`ve just got my internet via satellite set up,(last Saturday) 4gig of download available per month for 30euros from NordNet. They had plenty of options for diferent speeds etc. Not much use if youre going to be downloading loads of films but for everyday use and skype and the like it`s great compared to the laughable speed of dial up that I was on before. Instalation cost was good to. PM me if you want details of the company that fitted mine, I know they cover the 87 area.

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I have internet via alsatis and we have a little receiver pointing in the direction of the signals.

The internet speed is VERY slow and often won't load up pages at all, it tends to vary from day to day but has definitely been worse during the summer with trees blooming and possibly obscuring the view. Weather also affects it. It costs around 34 euros a month and I can't wait to get back to REAL internet probably with orange.

We also initially had the internet phone package, Wimax, but after several frustrating months of not being able to hear people or make calls, we cancelled this.

I don't know if our system is the same as what you are asking about, but if so, all in all I am not very happy with it.
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[quote user="AnOther"]The current crop of Satellite Internet deals via the relatively new ka-sat offer up to 10mb download and 4mb upload, but cheap they ain't. Initial installation costs can be in the €300 range and the monthly sub as much as €84.

There are cheaper offers of course.


Some of the monthly fees quoted include the cost of the satellite kit for €34 pm inclusive.

I was just trying to get an insight into the fors and against of going down this route and at the moment I have one for and one against so early days.
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You can add me to the "against" lobby; I think it's expensive and poor quality. There has to be a reason why so few people use it (ah yes, other than the cheaper and better alternative of ADSL, of course [;-)] ).

I should have added that your 30€ pm could possibly be reduced by changing to the Orange "decouverte" service, now 21€.

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Very early days for me to be for or against, only time will tell. It was my only option as no ASDL available where I am and Wimax couldnt get a signal because of trees in the way. The cost of installation was a lot less than 200euros by a registered company so as far as I`m concerned it was a good price.

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You are against but have never used it strange thing to say!!!! the reason why so few people use it because it is new technology (to France).

Changing to anything orange has to offer is a no brainer for me. It wont increase my speed and will still keep dropping out every month..
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[quote user="elamessa"]Sid. You are against but have never used it strange thing to say!!!! the reason why so few people use it because it is new technology (to France). Changing to anything orange has to offer is a no brainer for me. It wont increase my speed and will still keep dropping out every month..[/quote]

A matter of cost for me. That's a good enough reason to be "against" I think. As for new technology, I'm retired after 40 years in IT, so I'm not afraid of it, it's just that money is tight and I go for what works simplest. Also, if it were to have a problem, there aren't that many people around with experience, unlike standard ADSL connections; ask a question here about ADSL and you'll likely get an answer or solution pretty quickly.

You've got the same attitude to Orange that you're saying I have to satellite... have you tried it... why would it keep dropping out, and do you know this for a fact? And if it only drops out every month, that's not a disaster... mine drops out once or twice a month too, but works well for the rest of the time. Cost was 19€ per month until the VAT went up a while back. I'm only trying to save you some dosh and a load of setup hassle. Satellite isn't the way forward, fibre optics are what we need (in my opinion).

I'm not too keen on flying to the moon... I've never done it of course... so is it wrong not to want to do that ?

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[quote user="AnOther"]If you were 7.5km from the exchange and getting under 512kb I'm sure you would be singing as different song [;-)]


Would that be "Fly me to the Moon"? [:P]

For me some things just cost too much, and for that reason, I'm out.

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The new KA sat provides an entire satellite and -band just for internet. When ADSL is not an option, this is an affordable alternative for the whole of Europe. Tooway is one of the providers that is using this new satellite, including the UK and France. Check their website.

If you use a UK provider, the additional bonus is a UK IP number...


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[quote user="Jako"]  Tooway is one of the providers that is using this new satellite, including the UK and France. Check their website.

If you use a UK provider, the additional bonus is a UK IP number...


Just to correct that one small point for non-professional users ... this system is run by Skylogic and their HQ is in Turin, Italy and IP addresses are currently Italian. That situation will remain for the next 4 months and will then switch to IP addresses being allocated according to the spot beam where the system is being used. If the system is being used on a French spot beam, then a French IP address will be allocated even if the Service Provider is based in the UK.

ToowayDirect will provide proxies if you ask them or you can subscribe to a VPN ... both work fine over the satellite.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi Elamessa

In case you haven't decided yet.

I was compelled to install a NordNet system because there was no alternative for me in Feb. Despite have a landline phone, Orange said adsl was "too complex" down my lane in the village. This was after they took my order and money. It was a hassle to get the money back. I digress.

The option I took from NordNet had no capital costs, just a 2 yr tie in, by which time adsl here might be less complex. Its 35€ a month.

The u/load and d'load speeds remind me of 15 yrs ago in UK. I have to keep an eye on the consumption cos when the limit is hit, you get a nice message offerin you another 1GB for 10€.

I installed the dish myself, sent direct from Nordnet no probs, good build quality although drilling a double hole for the double cable through Fr masonry costs a few bits and a gallon of sweat.

You get a nightly spam from NN telling you they didnt spot any spam to yr ("free") email account.

There's another sat-internet outfit now so prices will drop.

John at


answered my e-mails and gave me advice on phone.

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