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I hope that I have got the terminology correct, I am talking about these homeplug things for passing signals along the electrical wiring instead of ethernet cabling or wifi.

I want to use one in the Uk to access the internet via my portable PC, my tenant in the main house has wi-fi from Sky but its not powerfull enough to reach my dwelling, the electricity supply to the main house is sub-metered to my place and that is where my concern lies.

I have read that the signals cannot be picked up at another dwelling in the street as they stop at the incoming meter, I am hoping that that is just b******t or else I may have a problem, although I want the signal to travel downstream not up, my meter is just a standard metal cased whirly wheel jobbie about 6 years old, nothing hi-tech.

Before I buy one of these Denovo Delovo or whatever they are called thingies will they work with an electricity meter in the line between them?

Many thanks

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I used similar system in chile in 1980 to listen to small child in bedroom, just the sound no internet in those days. I could go to another house and plug it in to a power point  but it had to be on the same phase, it would not pass through a transformer. So it was restricted to some 15 residential houses  close to each other.

Things wont have changed much in 30 years.[:)]

So I suspect that the winding on a differential breaker either 500 ma on the EDF breaker or the 30 ma local breaker would block it.

That said with a bit of ingenuity it should be possible to bridge the intermediate breaker by using an extra 2 CPLs connected across the breaker via an ethernet RJ45 cable.

If you buy CPLs be careful to get a high bandwidth if you are going to watch video.

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Curious why you are taking a CPL option when an RJ45 cable would be cheaper.

I have a pair of CPLs currently not in use in garden; for a while I used them to connect the AliceBox to the Samsung TV; but got a 10 metre cable for €3 at a car boot which works fine.

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I am hoping that it will cross the 30ma breaker in the 16th edition secondary tableau, Nubeginnings uses them to connect the staff cottages to the main chateau, I know these have their own tableaus with 30ma ID's it was my meter that concerned me, the modern ones use an inductive collar so I am pretty certain that they would work, its been a few years since I have had the seals off a meter to do a bit of trucage inside and I cant recall their construction.

Cant use an RJ45 cable as apart from disturbing the tenants to run it across the house it has to tunnel under two gardens  a fence and two paths.

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