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SFR sim card unregistered???

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I have had for a few years now a SFR sim card and only buy top-ups for use in an emergency such as travelling back to uk.

Today my phone states Sim unregistered 31october 2010.

Does this meaan I have to buy a new sim card or visit SFR shop for them to correct this.I presume I must not have used their service since oct,2010.

I do have sfr internet account only and FT FIXED LINE account in case sfr-internet fails when we need phone .

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I think you have to use it (if only very briefly) once a year to keep it running.  I've just got a new copy of their t&cs so I'll have a look through it later and see if you can at least keep the number - they may re-allocate these after a year of not being used, hence the rule, but I'm just guessing.  Which deal is it on - is it connected to your internet deal, because the conditions vary from one to another?
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