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Orange internet connection

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I was speaking to a very helpful advisor on the Orange/France Telecom English service today, and would like to share information he gave me. As we had many problems terminating our ADSL connection last autumn, I was concerned that we would have similar problems in autumn, 2012. Last year, I was told that we had to terminate our contract at the end of each season, sending a registered letter. When we did this, the frustrating chain of events started.[:@]

Today, I was told NOT to send the letter by registered post, but to send a short, simple letter, asking to change our connection to "Accés Libre", by ordinary post , about 10 days before we leave the house. This will change our connection to a "dial-up" one, keep our email address and all our passwords etc. Then, when we want to reconnect, we ask them 15 days before we leave the UK to change the abonnement to ADSL. He also gave me the address to write to: Orange Service Clients Internet, Unit 40, TSA 90008, 59878 LILLE.

Despite his clear instructions, I am still at a loss to understand why I was told by another advisor last autumn that the Accés Libre is no longer available. Do they make up the rules as they go along? I really appreciate that they provide this English Speaking Service, but I do wish that the advice they give is consistent![8-)]

I would appreciate any comments. [:)]


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Orange (spit) must be the worst of all the terrible businesses that I have suffered in France, for poor service, idiotic non-logic in their communications, and dishonest practices.

Don't believe a word they tell you, and if possible find an alternative as soon as possible.

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Thank you, NormanH, for your reccomendation to find another provider.

After our recent experience, that is what we wanted to do, but Orange seems to be the only provider who will let us have broadband with no contract. It really is so much better to be connected only for the time we are at the house, as we are already paying an annual fee here in the UK to our broadband provider here. Unless someone out there knows something we don't??[;-)]

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