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Has anyone ever seen anything like this please?


It arrived a little earlier today. The link doesn't work..

I'm suspecting it to be a con job?

I think this says it all. It's a con, so keep an eye out for it


I have forwarded it onto them to look at.

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]Has anyone ever seen anything like this please?

It arrived a little earlier today. The link doesn't work..

I'm suspecting it to be a con job?[/quote]

Yes and yes. It's not a good idea to click on the link: if you just put your cursor on the link and look to to bottom-left of the brower window, you will probably see that it is not a link to the site that it claims to be.

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As with other websites like Ebay, your bank etc PayPal ALWAYS address's emails with your name. If the email you get from PayPal does not contain your name or has your email account as the name then it is ALWAYS a forgery and should be binned. Quite frankly there is no point in sending the email anywhere, PayPal won't do anything. If anyone is stupid enough to ignore the constant stream of emails from PayPal warning them about this and telling them how to recognise a genuine email from a forged one then they deserve what they get. They also have a section called 'security' on their website that contains the same information.
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Quillan, this stupid person has NEVER had an e-mail from paypal because I very rarely use it! So I take umbridge to your attack that I deserve what I get!

I wish that I was perfect, but then again it must be a very heavy cross to bear? Perhapse you will bear in mind that we are not all like you!

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The emails they send out warning people have nothing to do with how much you use the account, they are just standard emails. Also they are sent out about twice, sometimes more per year. On top of that this issue has been discussed several times before in this forum with excellent advice given on how to protect yourself including the fact that rather than use a link in the email you should open your account normally and then check. Again all this information is repeated on their website.So even excluding the fact it's been talked about in this forum before I can't find any excuse for anyone stupid enough to open one of these emails let alone use the link within it having been given fair warning.
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Put you cross down Quillan. Easter is over. Don't bother replying, I won't be watching this thread any more!

Edit : - Oh I nearly forgot to add. It is really nice to have a nice helpful moderator. Just as well the mods aren't all the same?

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Don't have a cross, not a christian, sorry so I don't understand what you mean.

If you read my two posts carefully I have not made any personal comments about you, they are general comments. However if you have decided to put yourself in the group to which I am aiming the comments at then thats nothing to do with me.

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 Hmm - I use Paypal but rarely hear anything from them, if I remember rightly Q uses it for business so perhaps that makes a difference.

The rule I always use is that they always address you by name and if I'm in any doubt I google the header/subject.....so far, so good!

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[quote user="Quillan"]As with other websites like Ebay, your bank etc PayPal ALWAYS address's emails with your name. .[/quote]


I wish that were always true Q, but I have a card where the issuer has twice sent out mails starting "Dear cardholder".   I immediately forwarded these to their fraud department who confirmed that they were genuine.[blink]

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[quote user="andyh4"]

[quote user="Quillan"]As with other websites like Ebay, your bank etc PayPal ALWAYS address's emails with your name. .[/quote]

I wish that were always true Q, but I have a card where the issuer has twice sent out mails starting "Dear cardholder".   I immediately forwarded these to their fraud department who confirmed that they were genuine.[blink]


 While I use online banking I didn't give the bank my email address, nor any other bank, so all those pesky emails can be safely binned !

LOL The care agency my mother uses actually send letters snail mail, addressed  'Dear Service User' really makes her feel wanted and valued [;-)]

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[quote user="andyh4"]

[quote user="Quillan"]As with other websites like Ebay, your bank etc PayPal ALWAYS address's emails with your name. .[/quote]


I wish that were always true Q, but I have a card where the issuer has twice sent out mails starting "Dear cardholder".   I immediately forwarded these to their fraud department who confirmed that they were genuine.[blink]


I have had general emails not addressed to me personally from my bank about offers (would that be the same in your case?) etc however if I have an email directly relating to my personal banking account or card it is always addressed to me by name. I think if I had a card where they sent emails out to me specifically about my account addressed this way I might worry a little. If this is the case then I am sure your not the only one forwarding them on

From the PayPal (UK) website "A typical phishing email will use a generic greeting for everyone, such as 'Dear User' or 'Dear Customer'. All PayPal emails will greet you by your first and last name". This information is taken from the UK PayPal website. My PayPal account is in French, slightly different route to the to the same text but to save translation the link below is for UK website.


I just had a thought, perhaps I get these emails now and again because I have a French account?

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OK lets clear this up about my comments. As read it Jonzjob bought to our attention that there is another dodgy PayPal email going around. Quite rightly he has reported it to PayPal although they won't actually do anything as I have experienced before. I made no assumption that HE thought it was real in fact he quite clearly said it wasn't.

My comments are aimed at those that, after all the warnings all over the Internet, on the PayPal website, warning emails from PayPal etc, etc, are still stupid enough to open or click on the link then good luck to them, I have no sympathy.

If you Google PayPal scam emails there are 11M hits, we all know that about 10% of them will actually be about these scam emails, that leaves around 1M valid results ranging from Newspapers thru PayPal to forums like ours.

This has been going on for years, I got one in French the other day so it's not as if it is a new thing.

I would like to make one thing clear. I was not having a go at Jonzjob personally because he is not the type of person I am talking about. There is clearly a misunderstanding and if it is me then I apologise.

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Misunderstandings are very easy on a forum and I will accept your appology if you will accept mine Q [;-)]

All has turned out OK. I have run my iAntivirus and it has run clean. We have gone away from M/saft and now have Macs and before anyone says that they can get infected too, I know they can. Not as much by a very long way due to the OS but then that is why I do have an antivirus programme..

The annoying thing is that I am normally very careful!

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No problem at all Jon, bit of six and two threes really in both camps and of course I will accept yours as you have mine. Thanks for the personal PM as well.

You will probably find that it was your login to PayPal they were really after, well that's normally the case. As somebody said 'hovering' your mouse ponter over the link usually shows you the URL it will go to, if not look at the source. Trojans normally, but not always, come as an attachment. I had a spat of emails from HP recently about a scan I asked for being sent to me in the form of an attachment. The other day I got an airline ticket and itinerary for a trip I was making (not) from New York to somewhere else in America, details attached of course. That went straight in the 'bin'. As you pointed out you do have to be careful but I would like to think that most, if not all, of the type of people this forum attracts are pretty savvy when it comes to this sort of thing.

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