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Info on Optimale Internet with France Telecom

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Hi, I'm with Orange for my internet, I rent a livebox and pay for my fixed line. So Internet costs 34.99 euros per month and the line rental of 16 euros per month. Total 50.99 euros.

I've just been looking at their fixed line deals and they have something called Optimale Internet at 38.90 euros per month, which seems to give me everything i have, but a lot cheaper, Internet and unlimited telephone calls to the UK, I keep my land line number, so no stupid 09 number to worry about and the line rental is included. I'm not sure if i still have the rental on the livebox, but still cheaper.

I'm going to phone the French Telecolm english help number to talk to them tomorrow,  but I wondered if anybody has already got Optimale Internet, and if i've made a mistake somewhere.

many thanks

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No mistake, you have it right.

You do not need to continue to rent the livebox either. You can use any compatible modem/router.

I have been on this for about 6? months now and no problems at all.

If you want to add on unlimited calls to French mobiles it is 5 euros extra p/m.

The 38.90 does not include the livebox rental (3 euros p/m)

You do need to call up to change. It is not available on line.

Make sure that you are very clear about what you want and don't want as some of the sales staff can add on extras if you are not careful.


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Hi, oh lovely, thanks for that i will get them phoned up today.

I will probably keep the livebox, it's the only router that i've ever known, but could you tell me what do i look for if i do decide to buy another type.   


thanks again,

Regards Barbara

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, well as far as i know it's working fine, but i had a few problems with Mis-information when i phoned the english helpline, so until i get my first bill i won't know for sure.

It didn't help that they disconnected my interenet phone straight away, but said i wouldn't be on free calls for a few days, and when i kept looking at my account on the internet, what calls i did make were charged for, and then it was the week-end.

Anyway, Monday i phoned them again, and he has promised me that i am and have been on free calls and that it would be sorted out on my bill

It seemed every time i phoned them i got somebody else telling me something different.

But it is cheaper, well, it will be anyway, but i have a nasty feeling i still might have problems. 

if you could let me know how you go on if you do decide to change to it.


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Many thanks Kelly, I will be going to our local shop to look at options as I want to check out the system that uses satelite for receiving internet and TNT etc  for a better connection speed.  I will post here when we have decided which option, but like you were, I am paying for my FT line which I need as all my business info etc is on that number and then pay extra for internet (40e) with free calls to UK , so will be looking for a good deal!!!!

Thanks again

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