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Lost BBC radio 1,2,3,4

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This afternoon we lost BBC Radio 1,2.3.4. Possibly more, but those are what we listen to. As far I we can tell all the TV channels we need are still on.

Is this the new satellite? I have tried to rescan but nothing happened. Anyone else with problems? We have a five year old pretty basic satellite box, no HD.

Any ideas? I must get radio 4 back or I will go mad!

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I refer the honourable lady to my post here


Just to re-iterate,   this is NOT to do with the "new satellite",  it's to do with the BBC re-organising its deployment of frequencies (and saving money by ditching most of the Red Button functionality).

I assume Kathy you are using an ordinary (ie non freesat non Sky) box.   You need to rescan on

10.788 V  22000 5/6 and

10.803 H  22000 5/6

(freq/pol/SR/FEC respectively)

and then find the radios (newly labelled yesterday apparently) in your channel list.   If you only want Radio 4 then it's the first transponder I've listed.

COME BACK if you need help.

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[quote user="confused of chalus"]This afternoon we lost BBC Radio 1,2.3.4. Possibly more, but those are what we listen to. As far I we can tell all the TV channels we need are still on. Is this the new satellite? I have tried to rescan but nothing happened. Anyone else with problems? We have a five year old pretty basic satellite box, no HD. Any ideas? I must get radio 4 back or I will go mad! Kathy[/quote]

I should have posted last night, sorry. I have been decorating and got my media back in place and functioning last night. I can confirm that there is no problem with the radio which I receive through my old Sky box running with a FTA.

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[quote user="NormanH"]Don't forget that you can get BBC radio in France via iPlayer



Yes - if you have a good (or even average) internet connection.

But that's to ignore the many of us whose connections slow down or even drop out evening after evening....

Certainly in our village one wouldn't be able to rely on iPlayer;   and in addition if everyone starts to watch TV/listen to the radio by this method it slows the internet down for those of us "at the end of the line".   It's certainly noticeable how much worse speeds are in July and August when more houses are occupied.

And listening this way uses up a monthly data allowance,   although that's less of a problem in France where monthly caps are rare,  or even unheard of; (here in Britain they're common,   most BT basic internet packages are limited to 10 GB before you start paying extra).

I'll stick with satellite I think......

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You can stick with what you like, but the fact is that for many people in France streaming TV and Radio are the norm.

That is why there are the packages which offer Internet/Phone/TV, and the two 'boxes' one for the Internet and the other for media which come included.

Listening to the BBC Radio by this method is just the logical extension of this, and is perfectly legitimate, unlike watching BBC TV.

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I think your comments are a bit ambiguous Norman. The box's for media are mainly for music, video and photo's, they are actually media servers and for a start the ones offered by SFR etc do not include Torrent software. We are talking about an English guy who wants to listen to BBC radio (not BBC World) like he would do in the UK and I think you will find that most Brits will be doing this via their Sky or Freesat box as opposed to the Internet as the sound is better and more often the equipment is where they want it where a PC may well be in a different room in the house. French people on the other hand do use their media box because it is geared up to France and the media available in France and yes there are a lot more French than Brits living in France so therefore the bit that is correct in your statement is obviously more (French) people use this option.

Brits in the majority want access to English TV programs and radio not to mention Netflix and Lovefilm etc for which these media box's used by SFR and other ISP's are of no use.

Just because you seem to have gone a 100% native the rest of us don't have to blindly follow. [;-)]

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" the sound is better and

more often the equipment is where they want it where a PC may well be in

a different room in the house"

Well I listen to HD radio (and watch TV and films)  with external  surround ( 5.1) speakers (including a bass unit), not on my computer speakers. I reckon that gives me as good a sound as I would have had  on the radio in the UK

The business of the PC being in a different room  is allowed for by the two boxes being linked via CPU plugs as built into the power packs, so one can be in one room and the other is any other room in the house. The problem was foreseen in designing the system, but that is the Free set-up (and French) , which incidentally includes provision  for torrents in the Internet box.

By connecting to iPlayer there is the added advantage of being able to listen to any programme when you want to for up to a week, without having to listen at the time when it was broadcast.

Nobody has to follow blindly but if  the 'natives' have a point why not try  it?

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Your still not getting it Norman. [:(] The lady (sorry for calling her a him before) has a Sky or Freesat box already connected to her TV which she watches English TV and listens to English radio and in particular BBC Radio 4. Why would she want to use another box, get CPU plugs etc when normally her setup works quite well for her. She may or may not have it all connected in to Dolby system for all we know but that bit is irrelevant given her problem which I suspect is now sorted. The suggestion of an IPlayer brings even more confusion not that you need one anyway, an Android phone will work equally as well plus you can listen to your music and watch films stored on your home media server from anywhere in the world.

By the way you can use and Internet 'box' to download torrents, not many media servers have it built in nor do they have the ability to use proxy servers to see Netflix and Lovefilm services (plus IPlayer etc) in France without using a PC.

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Thanks everyone, for your help and advice.

We have a free to air box which doesn't do anything automatically so had to re-tune. Unfortunately although I have now regained everything I want, radio 1,2,3,4 etc, they no longer have the right names, just numbers (e.g. radio 4 is now 10381) so I am likely to get even more confused than usual!

I really don't want to go down the computer route as I have four wireless speakers for the TV so I can listen to the radio everywhere. My satellite dish provider today sent a 'how to' email to explain how to rescan properly.

Thanks again, Kathy

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It doesn't matter (at least not from a technical point of view!) that the channels have numbers rather than names,  but if you want to get the names back you will probably need to

DELETE the "old" Radios 1 - whatever from your channel list

DELETE the "new" numbered radios as well (better safe than sorry)


RESCAN on those parameters I gave and - hopefully - you'll get the radios with their correct names.

The BBC were - frankly - tardy about naming the new homes for radios in a proper manner,  but by the time you rescanned last night they were properly labelled.   Which means that your box probably thought it didn't want two of each station with the same name and so used the technical PID (programme identification) instead.

It can be a bit of a b****r getting some boxes to name channels correctly,   and to be honest I'd be inclined to live with it as it is,  after all you'll soon remember that Radio 4 is on channel 158 or whatever number on the remote brings up 10381.

Sorry it's so complicated,   and I for one am glad you're sticking with satellite.

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