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Hello. I have obviously used the above service without realising it due to an extra 8 euros on my orange facture this month. I did a quick search on the forum and see that it is due to finish at the end of June anyway but could anyone inform me in what way I might have used the service. Is it when I have gone on certain websites? I can't remember seeing any warning that I would be paying extra. Can I disable it from now until the end of June? Many thanks, Hester.


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There is a similar discusion on this thread at the moment - 2 pages

go in to your espace client orange


sign in and disable the services under the compte internet/mes services internet/

You may find that minitel service is no longer listed there.

I see that there is new one called "contact+" too but on mine that is disabled by default.


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  • 5 months later...

We have had Orange Livebox since March this year.

I just viewed my online facture for October and noticed a charge of 5€29 for "services Minitel".

None of my previous factures show this charge, and I was sure I read on this Forum earlier this year that the service had terminated.

On calling Assistance I was told that certain sites use a Minitel connection, e.g. CPAM and some government sites. The operator told me she had now blocked this option, and that I could reactivate it by calling again.

I don't believe I visited any CPAM or goverment sites in October that I did not visit in previous months.

I found an explanation of sorts here  http://assistance.orange.fr/des-connexions-minitel-sur-votre-facture-3217.php 

I checked my options on my Orange account, to see if I could control it from there, but no option for Minitel is listed, despite what the link states, and I do not recall ever accepting "un petit logiciel minitel".

I think it may have been presented in way which was not immediately obvious. To myself anyway [:)]

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There is no longer the option to activate or deactivate Minitel on your Orange account. The Minitel service ended on the 30th June 2012 so it is a bit difficult to understand how you can get charged for something that does not exist. I would give them a call if I were you.
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[quote user="nomoss"]

On calling (Orange) Assistance I was told that certain sites use a Minitel connection, e.g. CPAM and some government sites. The operator told me she had now blocked this option, and that I could reactivate it by calling again.


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