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DAB Radio in France

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Relaunch would be a better word - they did have some DAB stations but using frequencies unsuitable for British DAB radios.   I think they've all closed,   the platform never got off the ground in France.

And - although that link doesn't go anywhere specific to the story - France won't be using "our" DAB system,  so don't get your hopes up that those silent DAB radios you brought over with you will start working;   sadly they won't.

But interesting heads up anyway....

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Last I heard it wasn't even DAB+ they had in mind,  it was a modified mobile TV system (DMB-T was it,  I really lost the will to try and keep up) that was envisaged.   But I'm not even sure they mightn't have changed their minds again.

Until it's all settled throughout Europe (and maybe that will mean buying multi-standard sets) the best advice is to stick to AM/FM or satellite reception of radio programmes until they sort themselves out.

Seems extraordinary that Europe can finally agree on a TV system (well more or less) after all the years of PAL-I,   PAL-G,  SECAM-L,  etc,   and then completely mess it up on radio.

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[quote user="Martin963"]Seems extraordinary that Europe can finally agree on a TV system (well more or less) after all the years of PAL-I,   PAL-G,  SECAM-L,  etc,   and then completely mess it up on radio.


Well, they still don't even all drive on the correct side of the road [:D]

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For the impecunious non technicals.

RNT as it is called in french is advocated by the small operators, particularly in large conurbations. The big boys dont want the competition of the small fry and are against it. Sarko and the UMP support the large radio stations so no rapid change can be expected.

However if Hollande wins the Presidential election and obtains a PS majority in the Congress then the SIRTI members may get better treatment.

Below a recent link in french, but not very difficult french:


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[quote user="Martin963"]Last I heard it wasn't even DAB+ they had in mind,  it was a modified mobile TV system (DMB-T was it,  I really lost the will to try and keep up) that was envisaged.   But I'm not even sure they mightn't have changed their minds again.

Until it's all settled throughout Europe (and maybe that will mean buying multi-standard sets) the best advice is to stick to AM/FM or satellite reception of radio programmes until they sort themselves out.

Seems extraordinary that Europe can finally agree on a TV system (well more or less) after all the years of PAL-I,   PAL-G,  SECAM-L,  etc,   and then completely mess it up on radio.


Might be a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel Martin!

[quote] Rachid Arhab, Digital Radio Specialist Advisor at the French regulator the CSA, has also been vocal in his support for radio going digital.

At this years 'Le Radio' Conference he called for digital radio to be launched before the end of 2012.

He also confirmed the CSA's request to the French Ministry of Industry to include DAB+ in the technical standards for France.

"France wishes to commit to adding DAB+ to its technical standard, a move that will show France's desire to bringing radio into the digital future, enabling the industry to compete with other digital forms of media entertainment by providing more functionality, interactivity and choice for the consumer."

The WorldDMB Project Office will continue in its support of the French radio industry as they work for the adoption and migration to DAB+.

Source; Press Release from Le Radio Conference 5 - 7 February 2012, Paris.


Looking at the above image courtesy of WorldDAB, it does seem DAB+ to be the most logical way forward.

Edit. For some reason or other, the image shows in preview but not when posted.

Basically the image shows Belgium is creating DAB+ strategy, the Netherlands has a planned migration to DAB+, Sweden is migrating to DAB+,  Germany launched their DAB+ service in 2011, Switzerland, Denmark, and the UK already have digital radio services in operation.

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Well it would be good if France doesn't entirely go off on its own.....

One of the problems with "our" (British) version of DAB is its inability to act as a SCPC system,  ie one channel by itself on a carrier.    The way it works for us is that "someone" is awarded a multiplex in a particular area,   and then sub-lets the space to other radio stations.     Mostly for us this means a "bigger" radio operator acting as gate-keeper for smaller stations,  who can often be excluded on a whim (otherwise known as a technicality,  or a claimed lack of capacity) which is often commercially motivated.

If only we still had the IBA and it had been them operating the MUXs the story might have been very different.

I've mostly given up on radio,   apart from satellite delivered classical stations.....

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