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Vocabulaire for satellite installer?

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Now that the wood seems to be clearing regarding Astra 2F but whilst those in the know are still regularly accessing the forum, I wondered if anyone can help me with some suitable vocabulary with which to discuss the satellite TV requirements in our next home with a non-English speaking installer?

What we are after is the mounting of a 60 or 80cm (once I can go back up and measure the one on the roof, which works well after the C5 migration to Astra 2F) offset dish and fitting of a high quality quad LNB to match the dish.  We then need 2 feeds going from LNB to the sky box in the lounge to enable us to have our Sky+HD reinstated.  There is a complication in that the current occupants (the owners) don't want any structural damage or changes of any sort in making these changes, and although the house does have a single co-axial socket receiving a feed from a dish aimed at receiving French TV, it is in the upstairs mezzanine and not in the lounge.  I am unsure if the conduit to this socket could be used to get the feeds in the house prior to (as invisibly as possible) track some co-ax cables through the house and into the lounge.  If not we might need to sling the feeds over the roof and inside somehow using flat cables (which I understand can be obtained - though lead to some loss of signal in use).

There is apparently a very good Polish but French speaking installer locally, so I was going to organise a RDV with him and the owner at the house to discuss our requirements and brainstorm what we can do to achieve what we are after.  I need however to be fully versed with the necessary vocabulary so I can explain better what we need, and I wondered if someone could quickly tell me the french equivalent of words such as satellite dish, feeds, LNB, existing conduits, etc.  The owner, though French has excellent English skills, but I felt it would be better if I was forearmed before any survey is organised.  Many thanks in advance.  [:)]   

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Satellite dish = Une parabole de 60cm ...de 80cm  ... Feeds = Cables (un cable) .... LNB = La tete .... Quad LNB = tete a quatre sorties....high quality LNB = Tete de bonne qualite .......Existing conduits = gaines existantes (une gaine) ... Lounge = salon (le salon)..... Sky box = Decodeur Sky.....ask if you need any more.



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Oooopssss sorry...


How much = Combien ?

It's too much = c'est trop cher

Do you take cash = Combien pour paiement en liquide?  [8-|]

Come and have a drink, we'll talk about it = Venez prendre un verre (or a coffee) nous en discuterons.....

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