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problem receiving email with photos attached

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Can anyone tell me what the problem might be please.

I frequently send emails with 2 photos attached to friends in the UK. One particular friend never receives the email with two photos and I end up resending them singularly. I know they have a microsoft version although they mention something about having to open arcadia first at least I think that's what they said. They are new to the PC world and go to a weekly club so are still learning and they are in their late 70s so are doing well but I would like to know what the problem may be so that I can pass the info on to them and maybe someone at the club can help them out.

Thanks in advance, Chris
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More info needed.

Does your friend receive the email at all (ie minus the photos?).

It's possible that his email program is blocking the download of pictures (usually a message appears saying that downloading has been blocked) , although it's difficult to explain why it would work for a single photo message.

We probably need to know the operating system he/she is using, and which email program (is it a webmail program for example).

Are the photos very large? Perhaps you're exceeding some limit for his/her email program? You could try reducing the size; most photo-editing programs will quickly resize to a convenient size for emailing, such as 900x600 pixels (this size would still be quite acceptable for viewing on the screen, though probably not for printing). Photos straight out of the camera can easily be 2mb, or more with the hi-res cameras.


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Sid is right about the size, mine produces photo's of around 4mb. Some ISP's don't like large file attachments for fear they contain something nasty. However if the ISP has blocked them normally you as the sender will get a message back saying they could not deliver the email and why. This can take up to 24 hours or in some cases longer.
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Hi Sid,

No, they don't receive the emails at all when it contains 2 or more photo attachments.

I will try to get some more details out of them and I will check the size of my photos, they are straight from my camera onto the PC.

I just find it odd that I send the same emails & photos to others without any problem but I will get some more details about their system/program.

Thanks very much for your response.

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Thanks Quillan, I always receive a message to say the email has been sent so presume that it has been received it's only when I give them a ring that I find out they haven't received them. Anyway as said to Sid I will get some more info from them.

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KG, the fact that other people receive your emails is not much help other than proving that your email is sending OK.

Every machine is different, different versions of software, OS, little tweaks etc etc, and this is why there are so many problems and difficulties diagnosing what's wrong.

I think you're going to have to be more methodical and try to eliminate possibilities one by one.

As ANO has asked, it is probably relevent to know which ISP your friend is using too, as they may have strict policies regarding attachments. Incidentally, I use W7 and Outlook (Office 2007) but when I connect to my ISP by IMAP as opposed to POP I find that I can't download large attachments, AND I get no error messages, just nothing. I've abandoned IMAP for this reason.

Does he/she receive photos from anyone else? Can they send photos to you? (If so, try sending them back).

Do an experiment with messages containing no attachements, then with small attachments.

The fact that they're not getting any warning messages is worrying, but maybe they're just not looking in the right place! We can spend ages trying to sort out the novices, and you can't beat actually being there, hands-on.

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A couple of things:

1) Check that they haven't exceed their storage limit

- O2 Home Broadband primary account users get 1GB of storage

- O2 Home Broadband secondary account users get 200MB of storage

2) the max size they can receive is 10Mb in a single file.

Are they using WebMail to read the emails? or something like outlook/outlook express

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Hi Sid,

I am using a Mac OSX 10.4.11 and use orange for emails.

I have resent all six emails including only one photo and they have received them all.

They have returned one photo to me from some time ago which I have received. They have received a photo from another source without any problems.

I am sure they have a windows based pc but I have no other details, they bought the PC and package last year so it must be up to date. I am still waiting for them to come back with more info although I think I am beginning to scare them. They are not particularly confident with what they are doing.

I totally agree that if I was with them I might be able to sort it out but I'm not planning a trip to the UK.

It may be a case of them getting someone from their 'silver surfers' club to help them out.

Unfortunately I feel from what they say that the club is taking them through more advanced stuff now instead of making sure they understand the basics. Personally I don't think someone heading towards their 80s need to know the ins and outs of databases and creating powerpoint slides well not until they are confident with the simple stuff!

They say that they should get straight onto the PC when they come home from the club to put into use what they have learned but are too exhausted (not surprising if they've learning about databases!

That said, I think it's quite amazing that they are even trying to get to grips with technology.

Anyhow, once again thanks for all the comments and I may get back to you at some point with more info.

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I think where people are going with this is that it is not a fault with your computer nor is it a fault with their computer. The problem is with their ISP i.e. O2 which is limiting the size of files they can receive. This is further indicated by the fact they can receive the files one at a time but not two or more attached to the same email. That being the case there is really nothing you can do to help them other than find out the limit on file size and ensure the cumulative size of the files you are sending does not exceed that limit.
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Their email programme may have been set up not to receive files over a certain size - by accident or design.

I have set a 500kb limit on incoming emails for the computer I use for my very slow connection in France. This means emails with large attachments do not arrive, but stay o. The server until I visit a friend with a faster connection and then temporarily override the ban.

People don't realise what massive files they are sending when emailing holiday snaps.


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