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Is it possible to block nuisance calls?

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When we had the phone connected (France Telecom) sales calls started the next day so I put us on Liste Rouge and that worked pretty well.  Last summer we changed to Orange internet phone and now get a lot of irritating nuisance calls.

I realised our phone displays the caller's number so I now don't answer if it says 'witheld' or 'calling' or is an out of area code - usually 01.  If it is a genuine call they will leave a message on the answerphone - they never do!

One day after the 3rd call in 10 minutes I answered and told them. 'It's the first time I've called Madame' .  'No, I can see callers' numbers.'  Click.  Today 3 calls in 5 minutes.  I suspect an automated system.

Is there any way to block numbers on a landline as one can with mobile phones?  I'm really fed up with this.

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[quote user="Mrs Trellis"]... Is there any way to block numbers on a landline as one can with mobile phones?[/quote]

Not a call blocking answer, but the opposite. This allows you to filter the incoming calls.

Calls from un-displayed numbers are withheld whilst the automated system requests their name. Your phone rings and the name is communicated to you, then you accept or refuse the call.

If you accept the call, you have the option of entering the caller's number in a VIP list, which will allow their calls without filtering it in future.

See HERE for details the call-filtering option (called Stop Secret) and HERE for the VIP list.

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I would have thought it would have been easier just not to answer any calls with 'secret' or whatever on the display, let the phone go to answering machine. Anyone really needing to speak to you would identify themselves and leave a message. We changed our phone last year to one with a caller display. Since then, not once has a caller displayed as 'secret' even let the phone ring long enough for the answerphone to kick in, let alone leave a message.

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As I said originally, that's what I've been doing.  However, the phone ringing is always a disturbance especially late evening (to be fair on one occasion but 4 calls) and I would rather not have these calls.  I agree they never leave a message but I feel I have to wait by the phone in case it's a genuine call and I will snatch up the phone as soon as they start leaving a message!

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I *think* we're on the Liste Orange.   As I say "think" rather than "know".

In spite of that we get quite a number of nuisance calls.   I follow Clair's advice of immediately countering the question "Est ce que c'est bien...." by replying "C'est de la part de qui?".   That rattles them a bit.  If it then turns out it's a nuisance call I tell them I'm on the Liste Orange.   Several have had the cheek to say that they are "not trying to sell me anything".   At which point I turn quite nasty and get rid of them.

It's a shame that there isn't the equivalent of the TPS or whatever it is now in Britain as that - at least in my experience - works fairly well.....

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[quote user="Martin963"]I *think* we're on the Liste Orange.   As I say "think" rather than "know".

In spite of that we get quite a number of nuisance calls.   I follow Clair's advice of immediately countering the question "Est ce que c'est bien...." by replying "C'est de la part de qui?".   That rattles them a bit.  If it then turns out it's a nuisance call I tell them I'm on the Liste Orange.   Several have had the cheek to say that they are "not trying to sell me anything".   At which point I turn quite nasty and get rid of them.

It's a shame that there isn't the equivalent of the TPS or whatever it is now in Britain as that - at least in my experience - works fairly well.....


Nice of you to quote me here, Martin [:)]

Have a look at http://www.pacitel.fr/, it's meant to be the French equivalent of TPS.

I have no idea if it's any good.

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