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Micro Entreprise information

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Thought this link might be useful to some......

Anyone successfully set up their micro entreprise without having to take the 5-day course? I object to doing it after spending 12 years running a successful hotel business, having a certificate in book-keeping and wanting to run a simple knitting/sewing business from home!

Sue (86300)

Dreams create ambition
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I didn't have to do the 5 day course as I had run a business in England for the last 12 years and they were quite happy with that. However, my husband happened to get another lady on the day he registered and he had to do it! He ran the business in England with me and he is the one that still goes back all the time to keep an eye on it. Nothing to do with different departments, towns etc this time, just different member of staff. Oh well! I do try not to smirk at him about it too often!! (and his french is better than mine)

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  • 1 month later...
LAST EDITED ON 18-Jun-03 AT 10:57 AM (GMT)

I attended a French Accountancy Course with the Small Business Club at CCI Cherbourg on Monday. Found out to my amazement that Tax on small businesses is departmental NOT national.

For example Micro entreprise in Manche do not have to pay tax for 5 years. In Calvados 2 years. In Limousin - must pay tax immediately.

Also, we have not had to take any courses having already got a UK Ltd Company and a 2nd Office in France (registered last Dec in France to benefit from 5yr Tax Facility)

I cannot recommend these FREE courses with your local Chamber highly enough.Not only do you learn vocab re Tax Forms etc, but you are given all the info on creating French Business Plans, and the Profit Margins allowable by the French Government for each profession. Did you know for example - if you charge too little you will be fined by the tax man and if you charge too much you will be eligible to Income Revue by the Government.

As the only English Participant, I was made extremely welcome, and a concerted effort was made to ensure that I understood all that was said (I hasten to add that I do speak and trade in French anyway)

Our next Clinic is in Oct on Medical/Retirement Planning for employers and small business. Contact CCI Cherbourg for more info.

Sally O.
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  • 1 month later...
>Anyone successfully set up their micro
>entreprise without having to take
>the 5-day course? I object
>to doing it after spending
>12 years running a successful
>hotel business, having a certificate
>in book-keeping and wanting to
>run a simple knitting/sewing business
>from home!

I obtained a dispensation from doing the course as I could prove I had owned and operated a business for over 20 years in the Uk beforehand, and had a very good French accountant.


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We are registered with the Chambre de Commerce and didn't have to do 5 day course. However, since we registered we have been thinking that it may have been very useful to us as we have been given quite a bit of conflicting information by officials ( 1 example was that MSA said we had to charge our customers 5.5% TVA and Chambre de Commerce have insisted that we don't!!).

All the information I have gleaned about micro entreprise has come from various websites - none from our local Chambre de Commerce or MSA. It has been a case of stumbling through the process.

Cotisations are high and mandatory in first year but then (for us) are adjusted accordingly. Do as much research as you can beforehand especially from people who are running similar micros to the one you plan.

Good luck....Helen
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