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Free.fr Dial-Up internet

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I’m looking for some internet advice please.

A permanent move to France is on hold for family reasons so our house is still only being used as a Maison Secondaire. For the last 15 years we’ve used Dial-Up internet through Free.fr (the same speed as the uk back then!) and although it’s been getting progressively slower over the last few of years it’s been adequate for e-mail and banking.

Unfortunately on our last couple of trips it’s got even slower and with the increased complexity of web sites and the added security ‘time outs’ the banks use these days it’s become a nightmare!

Can anyone recommend an alternative please, we are not there often enough to justify the cost of an ‘always-on’ broadband connection and the mobile signal at the house is poor ruling out a dongle.

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Ask at your local Mairie if there is some kind of cybercentre in your village or an adjacent one.

Before I had broadbandin my holiday home. I used to take my laptop down to my local one and go on line with it there for a fairly nominal sum.

Also, I believe that many tourist offices offer free wifi.

Just wondered if you are i the Vendee, as you have 85 after your name. The Vendee has a broadband system that you can log into at various points, such as near a tourist office.it used to cost 1 euro for 24 hours' use; I think it is now at least 2 euros. But it is handy - though not sure if it's advisable to use for banking. Look for the red and white signs that say "Vendée wifi".

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Thanks for the reply Angela.

Yes we are in the Vendee and have used the WiFi network in the past. What’s the availability in your area? Originally it was 24/7 (and free) on the Port near us but it’s now appears to have become seasonal; when the marina and adjacent bars are in full swing we can sit there and do everything over a glass or two, which is great, but the rest of the year I’ve found ‘Hotspots’ are much harder to find. I did however read in another post that McDonalds have WiFi access if we become REALLY desperate!

On the subject of security when using open access WiFi a good Firewall is essential and after watching a recent TV program I would never use a Smartphone for financial transactions. Apparently they are far more difficult to protect than a Laptop and the program demonstrated how, if you’re logged on to an open network, it’s easy for a crook to download ALL the info from your phone in seconds even if you’re not on the ‘net at the time!!!!!!!!!!

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Very true about Smartphones (maybe they should be called Dumbphones?)

If you have ever been to a Black Hat conference there is a 'Wall of Shame' which gives complete personal details of anyone foolish enough to walk in with an unprotected phone.  The unwritten rule is that you take the battery out of your phone as just turning it off is not enough !

Anyway, back on thread, have you considered a PAYG?   Depending on the reception in your area they can work very well and most operators offer them for around €2 per day

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