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Orange Internet Connection

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Has anyone else been having problems with internet connection through Orange livebox.  For the last three days, the internet connection has been lost and only sometimes comes back on when I switch the Livebox off and back on again.  Can't see any maintenance messages on the website, but it's getting a bit annoying now.


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To answer your question, no problems at all.

Give their helpdesk a call and explain the problem. They can see your box and talk to it over the Internet. If there is a problem with the line they will send an engineer or if the box is faulty they an arrange for you to get an exchange unit.

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You can do things like a reset and factory reset on the box but they will still make you do it anyway and they can talk you through it. Make sure you have your Internet login and password available (as opposed to your email login and password) plus a mobile phone. My experience is that because you will loose your phone connection at some point they will ask you for your mobile number and call you back on that (they always do call back, they don't leave you 'hanging' etc).

Good luck.

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About two months ago our phone line suddenly started dropping out, and the internet connection was hit and miss, which carried on for about a week. Kept ringing FT who asked if I'd changed settings on the computer ("no"), asked me to restart the livebox, etc. but it carried on. Eventually they said they would keep a log and ring me back the following day to check activity - I got the call and the engineer said that, somehow, my livebox service had been migrated over to another server (or something like that) which I shouldn't have been on, and that he had flicked the switch to put me back where I should have been (this is my less than technical interpretation of the problem!). Anyway, no problems since then. So speak to the FT engineer, keep a log of time/dates it happens and be persistent. Good luck!
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It's been fine all day today and then this evening, about half an hour ago, it dropped out again.  We have been having problems with the internet phone dropping out, but it comes back on when you turn the livebox off and then back on again.  Same with the internet, turn off livebox wait 10 seconds turn it back on, and it eventually boots up.   I didn't bother ringing Orange today as I thought the problem had been fixed.  Tomorrow, I expect everything will be closed, but will try later on.

Happy New Year to everyone.



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Just as likely to be your line as the Livebox, are you on the end of a long line with slow speed ?

You can do some investigation yourself.

In the Livebox go to Settings then System information and note your attenuation down and noise margin down.

Those figures should not vary to any significant degree and if they do it's indicative of a line problem.

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O.K. so can you explain

"In the Livebox go to Settings........"

How do I access the Livebox on my computer (running Windows 7)

My internet access has gradually been slowing down and I also have problems with Skype now. My son has suggested the it could be the actual Livebox that's at fault and maybe needs changing. Before I ring up about it I thought I check the above.
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In your browser type in or //livebox it doesn't matter which.

Type in the pw admin

Click the Settings tab

On the left go to Livebox/Administration/Langue and change to English if you want to.

Go to Tools/System information

There you will see the Attenuation down and Noise margin down I mentioned which should be virtually constant.

There will also be Max rate down which is your actual maximum speed.

If the attenuation or noise change greatly, or the max rate down is not what you think you should be getting, then is the time to be calling Orange.

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Thank you. I've done all that and the Attenuation and Noise margin haven't moved at all - I presume you mean they would be changing when you say they "should be virtually constant" and the Max rate down is 2424 kb/s, but I have no idea if that's good or not!

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They should not be changing in real time but from day to day or sometimes depending on weather conditions they might be very slightly different but only by a very small amount say +/- 2 for both as a maximum.

2424kb/s means that you are capped at 2mb (2.2 actually) by Orange from which one would deduce that your line is perhaps around 4km in length. Mine is the same.

What are your attenuation and noise numbers and what does Dslvalley have to say about your attenuation and line length ?

By what yardstick are you judging your connection to be 'slowing down' ?

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I have Free which is why I haven't commented before.

Just a thought though.

I had a similar problem with my connection speed dropping to unusable levels a couple of years ago.

 Called the helpline who did a test and agreed, so they sent out a technician who found corrosion in the junction box between the external line and my domestic installation.

He told me at the time that this is a very common problem, and that a lot of people have a slower connection then they need have because of it.

He cleaned the whole thing out, and re-did the connections and I was back up to an excellent speed.

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But what he should have done is: replace the junction box. Cleaning is just a temporary solution designed to keep more people 'working'. Once corrosion is in the box, replacement is the only good solution. What they tend to do is simply rewire the box so that someone else will have your problem now and as soon he complains they repeat the action. I had this problem and kept complaining until the 'hired help' reported back to Orange that he had already completely replaced the box and all the wiring so it must be "the client".

I took photos proving otherwise and Orange then sent one of their own to check. A few days later they replaced about 100 meter cable and several new boxes with brand new wiring. Not one problem since and the guy from Orange told me "I hope they got the message"[:D]

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I recommend people make a note of what their attenuation is then they have something to concrete to quote if they have problems, phoning an ISP to complain that you think your speed may be slower is far too subjective as are the results from the online speed testers which abound on the net.

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Our village is starting to get problems with bandwidth because so many people are using the Internet to watch TV etc. The more people that use it the slower it becomes. It is more noticeable in the evenings.

In Quillan the problem is worse as many Bits are using 'smart TVs' and a little box to watch UK TV, I Player etc via the Internet. Whilst they benefit from a much faster connection (4Mb) when everyone is doing it (and the French with TV via Internet as well) the bandwidth is getting gobbled up. At certain times in the evening the whole thing almost grinds to a halt for everyone.

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The whole system will probably grind to a halt eventually unless the companies start to reinvest in their ancient infrastucture.

My line is a bit of ancient multicore from an underground box a couple of hundred metres up the road, from whence it is buried in the crepi on the façades of two or three houses. I tried to hide it inside the loft when the "engineer" came to install a "new line", but he found it in the street, traced it to the loft, and insisted on using it again.

I thought about getting a new line and dropping the old one after it is installed, but they would probably just use a spare pair in the old multicore[:(]

First thing today hovering over the icon on my screen showed 52Mbps, but now down to 11Mbps as everyone puts the telly on.



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Exactly, apart from numbers in major city centres with fibre optic connections NOBODY has 52mbs and why would you need that sort of speed anyway.

Very few people even know what their actual speed is because they have no effective means of measuring it.

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  • 2 months later...
I have just had the same problem with Livebox Play.

It seems to have cleared up now though.

The english speaking helpline plays annoying music and I think some of them are rude and unhelpful...takes all sorts though!
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