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Moving from SFR to Orange

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Our phone line (not the SFR box, but the line itself) went on the blink after a thunderstorm Sunday 21st September and I spent a lot of time on my mobile during the week, trying to get SFR to get it sorted.

The line came back to life after 5 days without any intervention from SFR (I know that because they were still calling me about the problem when I was back online.)

I got frustrated during the 5 days without a phone/internet line, and I started thinking about using another ISP, then decided to pay Orange a visit after seeing their offers online.

I turned out that Orange could match SFR on price (37€ per month) and services (ASDL + phone + internet TV SFR cannot supply), with the addition of a satellite TV receiver and ASDL speeds over three times faster than we were getting with SFR.

I signed on on Saturday afternoon and the line transfer was done by 8am on Sunday morning!

The Zen offer I signed for gives me a 14€ discount for 12 months (168€ over the year) and Orange will also refund SFR's 45€  exit fee.

The faster speeds means we can stream HD movies and series from Netflix, Plex and Sky, without buffering, pixelating or image stuttering on our (still free, for now) SmartTV! [:D]

All in all, an excellent decision!

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I suppose that it depends on where you live and this might work for those in the deep country who have no possibility of the better services of Free or SFR.

I have Free in Town and SFR in the country and both provide an excellent service  with HD TV, though the Freebox has the edge on the SFR one in having a few extra features.

The speeds in both cases are superior to 13

Technically things were sort of OK when I was with Orange some years ago but they are always let down by the appalling administrative side which I am sure many of us have experienced.

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I am convinced that whoever wrote about "La France Profonde" must have got lost around here! [:D]

Speeds of 13+, I can only dream of...

We got 9 with Orange at first, now settled around 7 and happy with that, as with SFR, we were getting barely above 2...[:'(]

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Odd that your speed has gone up like that but maybe not, I've heard similar stories before and it's generally where Orange

have done upgrades to lines or equipment but haven't bothered informing those

potentially affected so it's only when you actively inquire or possibly change ISP that you

find out your potential speed has improved dramatically.

According to Oranges own (inaccurate) database my line is only good for 512k meaning that that is all any other ISP can offer me while for some reason Orange themselves find it perfectly possible to give me an absolutely rock solid 2mb, the cynical amongst us might read something disreputable and deceitful into that !

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Strange really because we have never, ever, had a problem with Orange and we have been with them (and Wanadoo) for 12  years. Our line speed increased a while back as they roll out the better DSlams by quite a bit. Their service has been excellent and the most we have waited to speak to anyone is 20 minutes although normally it is within 5 or 10 minutes. Faulty equipment has been exchanged in hours and an engineer (the one and only time we had a line problem) was here within 24 hours, We never bothered to keep our old landline, everything is voip and we simply bought a cheap UPS from Amazon which our cordless phone and router is connected to. I have no problem in recommending them to anyone. My only slight niggle is their mobile signal is crap where I live and I have to use SFR but I don't have a problem with that or them although I have not had a problem with my moblie and I only use their SIM anyway.
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We have friends who were with SFR and they were without a phone for weeks, then the ADSL went down. SFR promised immediate action but only managed to get the internet working. When they had finally had enough (they have more patience than I could ever have) they changed to Orange and everything was put right within a couple of days. That lasted for almost three weeks before their line went down again. I'm waiting to hear if they have it fixed, but it's only been a week so far so maybe it will be a long wait!

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