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For about a year I've been using Filmon to watch live TV occasionally and to record using the 10 hours free recording facility.

However, for the past few weeks it won't let me record anything, saying that I haven't got enough space to record - even though I've deleted everything I had recorded.

Does anyone know if this free recording has now stopped, or what the problem might be?

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Yes, we had the same problem.  I used to record a lot of things, especially if the weather was terrible and we might lose the satellite signal.  Now they have stopped this option.  Not sure if they have a paying option to record stuff.

Chrissie (81)

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Free users should have received this message:

If you are using our free DVR facility, please note, that we are no

longer able to support a Free DVR facility. If you wish to continue

using this service please subscribe to a suitable DVR package. All

existing recordings on the free DVR facility will be stored on our

servers for 1 month, you can restore them and download using your

PC/laptop. After 1 month they will be deleted.

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