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How to pick-up my e-mails from wanadoo.fr when I'm in the UK ?

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Oh dear - sorry everyone - but I don't have a clue about this.

Going back to the UK for a couple of weeks.   Normally don't bother about my e-mails - but this time I really will need to do so.

I have wanadoo.fr as internet service;  I run Outlook Express -

How, back in the UK, in an internet cafe - can I pick up the e-mails that will have been sent to my Wanadoo account.

I have the codes to identify my computer to access the internet as well as the code to access the connection.

I also have the codes to identify the messanger and the code password to access my e-mails.

What do I use to log on in the UK ?

And is it possible to use these codes to do what I want.   In other words, how can I get my e-mails, from my wanadoo. account whilst I'm using someone else's PC in the UK ?

I'm a bit baffled and any expert help, guidance and expertise would be very much appreciated from you clever people who know a lot more than I do.


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On any computer in the world open a web browser, any web browsr and enter the following http://www.orange.fr/portail

Click on Identifiez-vouz and on the pop up screen enter your email address like xxxxx@wanadoo.fr (messanger) and your EMAIL password (code password). It does not matter that it says Orange for it is one and the same.You then return to the original screen but now your logged in, click on Mail to view your emails. You can also check your answering machine on Orange if you have voip.

VERY IMPORTANT - When you have finished DO NOT FORGET to put your mouse over your name in the top right of the screen and click on "me-déconnecter" otherwise the computer will stay logged into your account and another person can see your emails and our account details. This is very important.

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[quote user="AnOther"] you have told OE to delete mails from the server which if memory serves is not the default action.

Who the heck uses OE in 2015 any way ?

but isn't this is the other way round ? Reading the emails on the orange site automatically flags them as downloaded. I haven't found a way on OE to reload them,  There was a method using telnet yonks ago but I've forgotten how to do that and reset the mail headers...life's too short to be honest.

As to OE - it works ok for us. We have 5 people with several pop email addresses that are still live from when we were in the UK as well as using it for wanadoo/orange etc. OE allows us to bring everything together. I've not had the time to see if there is an alternative

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[quote user="HoneySuckleDreams"]one thing to bear in mind is that when you get back to France and outlook express, the emails will not be there as you've already downloaded them via the web interface so if there is anything you need to keep that is important remember you can only see through orange.fr[/quote]

It's the other way round. If somebody in France uses the computer and accesses the email s via Outlook the default setting is to remove them from the server because they are stored locally on your computer. However if nobody is in France and you use the Orange account via your web browser as I described they will stay on the server. The result of this is not bad because when you return to France and retrieve your emails via Outlook you will get all the ones you have already seen whilst away, unless you manually deleted them. The only thing you won't have in Outlook is a copy of the replies to any emails you sent when away but this is easily fixed by CC'ing a copy to yourself when you send them. As long as nobody touches your computer while you are away from France it really is not a problem. Hope that is clear and simple enough for you, if not I will simplify it even more.
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[quote user="HoneySuckleDreams"]

[quote user="AnOther"] you have told OE to delete mails from the server which if memory serves is not the default action.

Who the heck uses OE in 2015 any way ?

but isn't this is the other way round ? Reading the emails on the orange site automatically flags them as downloaded. I haven't found a way on OE to reload them,  There was a method using telnet yonks ago but I've forgotten how to do that and reset the mail headers...life's too short to be honest.

As to OE - it works ok for us. We have 5 people with several pop email addresses that are still live from when we were in the UK as well as using it for wanadoo/orange etc. OE allows us to bring everything together. I've not had the time to see if there is an alternative


I just tested it and AnOther and I are correct.

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[quote user="AnOther"]Try http://mail2web.com

All you need is your email log in details.

What honeysuckle says will only happen if you have told OE to delete mails from the server which if memory serves is not the default action.

Who the heck uses OE in 2015 any way ?

The OP is not technically orientated so the simplest and easiest solution is the best for her. My advice is to stick with my original reply and use the Orange portal. The reason for this is because if you have a problem you can talk to the English speaking helpdesk in France even from the UK and they will support you. If you use a different method of reading your emails they may not give you support and then your stuffed till you get back to France and your computer.

The two Outlook products are still available as they are the Microsoft default client for Microsoft Exchange. One is basic and the other gives you a diary etc. Many companies still refuse to go down the route of the Outlook Internet client because it uses Microsoft 'Shared Services' which is cloud based and open to abuse and hacking. Big companies prefer to keep it all in house under their control.

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Quillan is right - I'm not techie minded - so as simple as possible for me is best - I knowz nuthin ...

Thank you Quillan for your first very helpful post.   I'll follow your advice to the letter;  you've explained it very clearly and even a non-techie person shouldn't have a problem (fingers crossed).

Thanks to everyone for advice and help.   I'm always very pleasantly surprised by how helpful bods on here can be - and what everyone knows about everything !!

Thank you.


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I'm not sure what's even remotely 'tecchie' about going to a web site like Mail2web.com and typing in a user ID and PW but hey ho [Www]

I did not know that OE was still available Q hence my question, I must admit I had a soft spot for it in the day, particularly for it's Newsgroup client.

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[quote user="AnOther"]I'm not sure what's even remotely 'tecchie' about going to a web site like Mail2web.com and typing in a user ID and PW but hey ho [Www]

I did not know that OE was still available Q hence my question, I must admit I had a soft spot for it in the day, particularly for it's Newsgroup client.

What I was pointing out was that by using Orange if there is a problem she can call Orange even from the UK and they will help her. I understand where your coming from and I use such a product because I have something like 9 email addresses all in different places so when away from home one of these products is good for me.

I like Outlook and use it all the time mainly because of the extra features which I use for running my B&B. All my reservations automatically get transferred to it which in turn get synced to all my mobile devices which means if anyone contacts me looking for a room I know what I have free wherever I am in the world (not that I travel that much but you get the ideal).

There is however a much better product which a lot of big businesses (and education) still use and especially the legal profession where it is important to keep clients data itemised, up to date and very secure and that’s Novell GroupWise. Novel was always the 'Betamax' of the networking world, much better and cheaper (per seat) than Microsoft but it just did not have the marketing behind it and died as an operating system years ago and Novel moved to Unix. GroupWise however works on Microsoft servers as well as UNIX and can use either its own or MS Exchange mail servers although with the latter many of the facilities within GroupWise are not available. It also can't run as a stand alone client like Outlook.


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You can still use outlook, just check the box secure layer to connect to the orange server, you do not need to do that when in France as you will connect from within the Orange network. However, using SSL will always work and provides better protection.

Orange uses the standard port 995 for pop3 ssl connections, so all you need to do is check the box.

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[quote user="Jako"]You can still use outlook, just check the box secure layer to connect to the orange server, you do not need to do that when in France as you will connect from within the Orange network. However, using SSL will always work and provides better protection.

Orange uses the standard port 995 for pop3 ssl connections, so all you need to do is check the box.


I think you need to go back and read the original post, if not I have highlighted the two main points for you.

[quote user="chessie"]

How, back in the UK, in an internet cafe - can I pick up the e-mails that will have been sent to my Wanadoo account.


In other words, how can I get my e-mails, from my wanadoo. account whilst I'm using someone else's PC in the UK ?


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  • 3 weeks later...
Can I say a BIG 'thank you' to Quillan -

Your advice worked;  I was able to pick up three very important e-mails I needed to access whilst in the UK and which it was essential that I acted upon whilst in the UK.

I am immensely grateful for your help and advice - helped prevent big problems for me - so grateful thanks,

Love this site - there's always help from people who 'knowz' - thank you.


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