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Orange Livebox Password

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Well it seems after many years Orange has come to the conclusion that having an Admin password or Admin on their routers was not such a good idea as many never changed it. The last update to the firmware 'fixed' this problem and each Livebox was given its own unique password even if you had changed it in the past. Pretty smart really till you work out it is in fact the first eight characters of your WiFi key as written on the label on the side of your router.
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tried to sign into our Livebox this morning to check a problem we have

with our VOIP phone. When I tryped in the password, changed from

'admin', it didn't work. I checked that I had the correct word and I

had. So I tried several other 'possibilities' with no luck. Then I

noticed that small window marked 'Breaking news', clicked on the link at

the bottom and up popped another small window informing me that the

default password was the first 8 characters of the WiFi pass code!


didn't even think of looking anywhere to see if they had changed MY

password! The least they could have done was to inform people!

Has anyone any idea when this firmware update was squirted down the line? Because our VOIP phone failed either yesterday or Sunday and I'm wondering if that is the problem???

Our normal, VOIP, house phone is a Siemens Gigaset jobbie and it won't allow either in or out going calls, but the Livebox config says that it is all OK. I have a second Gigaset phone and that doesn't work either, so I tried a wired phone which worked once and then stopped.

I have contacted the Orange English Help Line and the lass there couldn't find a problem. I should be getting a call, later this afternoon, from an 'expert'. So if I can find when the update was squirted that may be quite handy?

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Ta for the quick reply Kong. I have just edited my previous post.

What I was more interested in is that the update will contain more than just the password change and I'm wondering if it could have been corrupted in transmission?

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I should be getting a call from the ex-spurt in the next hour or so. When I have done I will try to post the result?

I can't really see it as a problem with my phones as I have tried 2 Siemens Gigaset, an S455, with answer-phone and an S450, without the a/phone and a cable connected phone. That worked one time and then there was no dial tone from the Livebox.

The 2 Gigaset were for before we got rid of the physical landline and went totally VOIP.

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I hope I am not teaching anyone to suck eggs here but....


1)  Is the phone light on the Livebox 'On'?


2) Have you tried a factory reset i.e. held the reset button in until the lights go out then start cascading from one side to the other? You will of course require the Internet login and password (not to be confused with your email login) after this to re-establish your Internet connection.

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The phone light is on and off [:-))] I think it's called flashing but I was a bit worried about Wooly having a fit if i said that!

Originally it was off. I powered the box off, left it for a couple of minutes and back on again. this time the phone light came on, but still no response, then it started it's flashing and it still is.

I have had a call from an 'expert' and I now have a code number and will collect a new Livebox tomorrow. He said that he would be very surprised if it wasn't the L/box.

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As I said, mine is already changed and originally it was changed some while back [8-|]

It seems amazing to me that people just leave passwords at the default? But mind you, in a former life as an IBM mainframe eng I used to tell customers about saves and the number of them that didn't bother was incredible!

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]As I said, mine is already changed and originally it was changed some while back [8-|]

It seems amazing to me that people just leave passwords at the default? But mind you, in a former life as an IBM mainframe eng I used to tell customers about saves and the number of them that didn't bother was incredible!


Not a good idea with a System 38.[;-)]

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Or an AS400, as one of my Bristol customers found out when one of their disks went toes up. No names, but they were Torpedoed [6]

Just a quick aside. The Sys38 and AS400 used a system for storing data called scatter. They threw blocks of data from all the files at all of the disks on the system

and there could be a dozen or so. That meant that all the disks on the

system had bits of every file on them and if you didn't have a backup of the system and a disk went down it took data from all the files with it. The only thing that knew where everything was was the system. It wasn't until RAID came in that the backups weren't 'quite' so important

Quite complicated, but blindingly fast for the time. No backup = no chance!!!

I assume that you knew the Sys38 Derek?? I did [:-))]

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Hi John, In the earlier part of my 35 years in IBM I was a CE FM and knew the pain an unbacked up S38 could cause.

No names but.... I well remember the manufacturing part of a well known cosmetics company having a disk failure.... and no current backup.  The restore took them all week. They had just recovered and another disk failed. guess what, they hadn't been backing up as they were restoring.  I have never seen such rage from the Swiss plant manager directed at the DP Manager.  Soon after the DP manager departed.

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New Livebox obtained and installed. It went straight into the download/update.

Now the cable connected phone works, but the other 2 Siemens Gigaset phones don't! So I'm now wondering if there's the possibility of these phones not compatable with the new firmware??

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Just to show how fickle these dammed things can be!!

I took both of the Gigaset phones to a friend who has a direct line connection, plugged them in and they both worked fine.

So back home and when I tried them here the bloody things worked fine here too! Connected to the same Livebox that I have not done anything to and from a total fail yesterday to working today!

I am sure that these sort of things are female[:-))]

I tried everything I could yesterday and they definitely failed. I look forward to the call from the 'expert' this afternoon?

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