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Are you still using an older version of Word, Gardian, that gives each file the suffix of .doc?

In that case your neighbour has a newer version than you. But he/she should be able to save the documents for you as a .doc file instead of as a .docx file.

When doing "save as", (or is it "sauvgarder sous"?) there is a drop-down menu alongside the word "Format" which allows the file to be saved in a variety of formats, and they just have to select the .doc one.

Sorry, not very good at techie-speak, but I hope that works for you.

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You should be able to "save" it yourself as a .doc file.  Just say "save" (English or French if that is what you have) and then choose from the list below the name (open the list showing the current file) what you want to save the file as.  I certainly do it all the time! Docx is usually/often "read only" and as I am often being told to circulate a document (as Secretary) and lots of people can't spell I have to save them as .doc to correct!

Sorry - not well explained. Below the section that shows the current file name is a box that can be opened and there will be a choice of file extensions. I choose Word 2003 or suchlike - you can see the extension.

I use Windows 7 and will not move up to 10 until later when there has been time to fix any bugs!

Edit: my post crossed with halfblind.  Yes - Libre office is what I use.

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