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Saddam Hussein captured!


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I saw the news broadcasts but have been so sickened by pictures of him being examined that I have switched the TV off. I am glad that he has been overthrown and captured but I wish for the sake of all democratic nations of the world that the Americans would treat him with a bit of dignity. It doesnt matter what he has done and what he deserves. Firstly he has not been tried yet. And secondly the Americans are doing their own cause and the cause of Western democracy no good at all by behaving like tyrants themselves. Take the message of civilisation, justice, democracy, equality and freedom to the rest of the world by showing them how people with these attributes and benefits behave.
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Great news! But don't forget, Saddam Hussein, like Osama, was an ally of the west - even when he was committing his worst ever atrocities.

As long as Henry Kissinger, who illegally killed many more people than Hussein, or Ariel Sharon are not brought to justice, a trial of Saddam will rightfully be seen around the world as 'the law of the jungle'. The rule of law globally is being eroded; look at those being held without 'due process' in Guantanomo, London and Washington.
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Don't be too distracted. The US adminstration is busily encircling the globe with a 'family of bases' - in addition to the 742 that already exist. Iraq has always been about oil and what the US and the West need to maintain their 4x4s. It is also about corporate power; the biggest US base since Vietnam has been built near Kosovo - near the soon to be constructed Caspian pipeline; it was built by that US Vice President's company and his friends: Halliburton, DynaCorp, Bechtel. This is why we must not be blinded by indifference; fascism is knocking on the door.

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Whilst congratulating themselves on getting Saddam - Bin Ladin seems to have been forgotten about! If it hadn't been for him, none of this would have been happening.

What intrigues me is - what was Saddam doing on his own - has everyone deserted him? Makes you wonder if he wasn't the one doing it all, after all - was he just the front man - the puppet? Is it that they don't need him any more and they have dumped him?

I'm going to have to stop watching television while having breakfast! Looking down his throat just as I'm spooning meusli into my mouth is spoiling my appetite! I think we have all got the message now - they have him - we don't need to see it every 10 minutes!

Jill (99)
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What I would like to know is what the hell has this posting and the other about, "A world without Terror" got to do with this forum or France. Both these postings have ended up causing long threads taking up server space on something which is totally out of keeping with this forum. I respectfully sugest that if the poster wishes to make potentially political postings they should do so on a more suitable forum.

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