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French Keyboard

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I have a normal Lenovo laptop in English.

I need to write letters in French quite often.

Can I just plug a French azerty keyboard into a USB slot?

I imagine I would have to change the 'language' from English to French, but is that enough?

I asked the man in the IT department in Leclerc and he said it 'probably should work'!

I wonder if I have to put in another program?

I know I can put the ALT codes on how to accent letters, etc. but I want something a bit faster,

Would appreciate any advice.


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I have a PC with a separate keyboard which is French and that just plugs into a USB slot, so I don't see why not.

On my (vastly superior to Windows [6] ) Linux system it is very easy to change which layout you wish to use.

I could even change to an Azerty one without changing the keyboard but then I would never find the right keys..

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Personally I think using the 'alt' codes is actually quicker.

I have a French keyboard and to be fair the layout is rubbish.

When using a UK keyboard I just have a little post-it with all the codes. After while you remember them and it becomes second nature. Also, you don't have to keep holding the shift key down when you want a number.
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You don't have to hold the shift key down if you have a separate keypad.

The thing that really bugs me is having to use shift for a full stop. Fair enough it gets to be second nature but honestly. And yes you can use the dot on the numbers keypad if you have one. But, it still bugs me.
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The best keyboard that I have found (and I have on my laptop) is a French Canadian one!  qwerty keyboard but with keys for accents too:  é ô ç etc! To get a ^ above the letter you just type the ^ and then the letter, same for¸ and ¨ but é is an actual key. Plus other combinations.

But then my son lives in Québec and tends to donate laptops when he upgrades...

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Ever since we moved here from Spain we have used Spanish keyboards, these are qwerty but have all the accents and extra letters like ç and ñ we need for French and other languages.

Installation on our English version of W10 required alternative keyboard settings to be made, which are accessible by pressing Windows key + spacebar.

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