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internet and telephone provider recommendation provider please

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Absolutely, BJSLIV, and that would be my method of choice.  I think I wasn't sure about the NDI and the RIO belonging to different numbers until your explanation earlier on.

So, do you want to keep your old number?  Yes...............OK!

What is your RIO?  It is ......12 characters in an alphanumeric mix....NO, your RIO is wrong!  Because, as you have explained, the RIO does not necessarily belong to your NDI but to your present provider.

So, armed with all this invaluable information from all you patient and generous-with-your-time people, I'm going to boldly go where hitherto I have been tiptoeing rather tentatively.

And, if I do have to ring and speak to an actual grumpy person, I will have all the answers I need on my homemade (and original!) information chart!

Reminds me of multiple-choice exam papers which I'd always hated because I'd nearly always find that none of the boxes would provide a COMPLETE correct answer[:-))]

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Sue, and Norman, I think I have succeeded at long last but please be patient whilst I explain the process, just in case someone else is thinking of doing the near-impossible and my explanation might help.

So, I went on the site and all was well AFTER inputting my date and place of birth, my passport number until the GB bit, my RIB, my information re my carte bancaire.  Then, I needed to put in a code.  So, mobile at the ready and I am ready to receive said code.  Nothing!  So, a quick phone call to my bank, banque postale,  By the time I knew about getting a certicode by sms, I was timed out.

Nevertheless, I was told that a code would be automatically generated for me to complete the purchase.  Easy?  Maybe but no code at all was generated.  By this time, I was ready to call it a day.

Tried again and, in desperation, I used my Nationwide credit card ALTHOUGH someone has already posted that UK cards are NOT accepted.

Eventually, had to get to where I wanted but with a bit of subterfuge.

My address that I have been using for 6 years is apparently not recognised.  Have used the test my line option, using the number provided by the person who sold the house to me.  I PRETENDED to not know my address, deliberately filled in the one not recognised and en fin got to a real person.

Had already decided that the only way to get past the "do you want to retain your number or do you want a new number" was to say just give me a new number please.  So just said yes, please, new number for phone and mobile.

So then just needed to provide my RIB and my VISA card and nary a word about passports, pièce d'identité or certicode for security.

She took some time settting up my new line but I had a confirmation by email that my contract was in place.

If anyone out there want to put themselves through all of this, I can only say don't worry, there IS a way, not obvious and enormously tortuous but you need to find that loophole throughout all the stuff and you are welcome to PM me for more grisly details.

Finally, thanks again to my patient helpers, Sue and Norman! 

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[quote user="mint"] So, a quick phone call to my bank, banque postale,  By the time I knew about getting a certicode by sms, I was timed out.

Nevertheless, I was told that a code would be automatically generated for me to complete the purchase.  Easy?  Maybe but no code at all was generated.


Well done mint, for having made a good start

Reading what you have written reminded me of why I gave up using Lycamobile some years ago ... I had forgotten that their system does not allow you to receive secure code messages/texts from Banks and other organisations who use them to make sure you are who you claim to be.

Lyca do not have sufficient protection of some sort in place, if I remember correctly.

So, la banque postale probably did send you a code, but Lyca could not transmit it on to you, as their transmission procedure is not secure enough.

Before I ditched Lyca the way I got round the problem was to have a voice message sent to the home, fixed phone. But that is useless if you are out and about or out of the country !


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OH, Sue, so THAT'S why I didn't get my certicode!  Thank you for the explanation.  But I am cheered by the fact that the new Sosh SIM would enable me to get these secure codes in future.

Er.......always look on the bright side of life?[:)]

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I've just had an email to say that they have sent my SIM.

Norman, I have made a note of what you said about not being too quick to put in the new SIM.  I have an old mobile that is still with Orange and they recently sent me a code to déblocquer it (this was done after a request from me and is a separate issue entirely).

Sue said the new SIM might work without necessarily unblocking the phone.  I certainly hope so as I'd barely used the phone and it was bought just to tide me over whilst I was waiting for the installation of my line in the first house I lived in.

I can't wait to see what ensues!  I have certainly got here par le chemin des écoliers but I hope that it will all be a cinch from now on!  After all, I do have 2 excellent guides[:)] 

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My problem was with the temporary number business...despite  the fact that they had issued it they sent all the info I needed to the old number.

In your case you will probably have to call an ask them to send the identifiant and password as the link they send to the mobile number to activate the livebox only works on smartphones.

NOTE this is not the same as activating the Sim card itself, which involves  sending a message with your client number

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I have now had an email from SFR saying I have to contact them so they can stop billing me Grrrrrr

And I have had no details where to send the old equipment back to...it is just sitting there in its box!

I thought sosh was supposed to deal with all that?

It did say that Sosh se charge de tout...

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Thank you for continuing to post about your experience, Norman.  Forewarned is forearmed!

I think Sue did say that you have to contact SFR and ask for return labels so that you know where to send the SFR box.

I also thought that Sosh would be dealing with communicating with SFR to stop them billing you, etc.

Just goes to show that some things are best done by yourself, even though someone has said they'd do it.  Done twice is better than not done at all, I suppose.

Having lived with OH for over 3 decades, I have learnt to check that all instructions have indeed been acted upon and, although tedious, it's the only way to be sure that essential things do get done[:)]

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Norman wrote :

And I have had no details where to send the old equipment back to...it is just sitting there in its box!

I thought sosh was supposed to deal with all that?

It did say that Sosh se charge de tout...

Norman you are not paying attention !

I have said, twice now I think, that YOU have to contact SFR to request the free returns label to send back your neuf box. Sosh deals with all else. The request to SFR starts the process which stops them demanding payment.

Except, being careful, I would also cancel your direct debit to SFR with your bank.

Mint is right, she has read what I wrote !

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I thought you said that you printed the label off but couldn't find it anywhere on the SFR site

I now sent a demand for a sticky label via the espace personel

what a silly business (but not Sosh's fault...this is SFR)

Have also sent a lettre recommandé to SFR

Here is a copy in case it is useful:

De H Norman


No de Ligne SFR   00 00 00 00 00

Service Client SFR Box et


TSA 73917

62978 ARRAS cedex 9

Objet : résiliation

SFR Box et


Madame, Monsieur,


vous informe par ce courrier que je souhaite résilier mon forfait Box SFR et fixe contrat n° xxxx

La possibilité de résilier

ce contrat sans frais de résiliation m'est offerte, car :


    n'accepte pas les modifications suivantes apportées à mon contrat

    le 13/08/2016.




Pour nous, la valeur

d'un opérateur se mesure désormais à ce qu'il transporte : des

émotions !

C'est pourquoi, SFR a changé et s'est enrichi de

nouveaux contenus juste pour vous : SFR Presse, SFR Sport, SFR Play

et SFR News.

Pour continuer à vous offrir le meilleur

des contenus, nous sommes amenés à faire évoluer votre offre.

Ainsi, la location de votre box actuelle vous sera

désormais facturée trois euros par mois, à compter du 13/08/2016.

Je souhaite que ma

résiliation soit effective dès la réception du présent


Vous remerciant, par avance

d'accueillir favorablement la présente demande, je vous prie

d'agréer, Madame, Monsieur, mes salutations distinguées.

H Norman

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Half way there, hooray!

SIM came today and, as Sue has predicted, I put it into my own blocqué to Orange phone and there were messages on it for me to ring the customer services and input my client number.

So.....nicely up and running and my box is coming tomorrow!

If it comes early enough, I will set it up and go for my Friday walk and ask one of my friends there to do the necessary on their smart phones.  My phone is so old that you can't input the year as nobody is supposed to keep their phone bought in 2007 and it's now 2016[:$]

BUT it suits me as I only use it for the occasional call.  Nonetheless it will be useful.  For example, I am late to the agreed foregathering place before a walk and I can ring up and hope they'll wait before disappearing!

Norman, did you write to SFR, using your new Orange email address?

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I wrote to SFR to cancel by lettre recommandée.

You might have to call sosh to ask them to send the idifiant and password by sms to your mobile, since the thing they send is a link that can only be opened on a smartphone and which is valid for only 15 minutes from reception

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mint said : Norman, did you write to SFR, using your new Orange email address?

Under the new rules, since the end of 2014, there is no longer any need to send a registered letter to your old ISP. The new ISP takes care of all the legalities - all you are left to do is confirm the cancellation with SFR.

This you do by contacting them by phone or online - there is an online form you can complete - and asking either to be emailed or posted the free returns label so you can return ALL the bits and pieces you received in your Neuf box parcel.

Do not confirm cancellation with SFR before all is up and running with Sosh.

Edit : Access to your SFR account remains valid for 6 months if you want to print or copy bills or check an email etc.

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I think that in my case, as I had the option TV with the extra "décodeur" box, and I was taking over the sosh offer without TV sosh only cancelled the line and internet, not the TV bit, so I sent the recommendée for "belt and braces"

I also included the bit about not agreeing with the new charges which amount to a change of contract  to justify not paying a cancellation charge..

La possibilité de résilier

ce contrat sans frais de résiliation m'est offerte, car :


    n'accepte pas les modifications suivantes apportées à mon contrat

    le 13/08/2016.



MR Hxxxx

Pour nous, la valeur

d'un opérateur se mesure désormais à ce qu'il transporte : des

émotions !

C'est pourquoi, SFR a changé et s'est enrichi de

nouveaux contenus juste pour vous : SFR Presse, SFR Sport, SFR Play

et SFR News.

Pour continuer à vous offrir le meilleur

des contenus, nous sommes amenés à faire évoluer votre offre.

Ainsi, la location de votre box actuelle vous sera

désormais facturée trois euros par mois, à compter du 13/08/2016.

but I agree with Sue that if you are simply taking a new Internet offer there should be no need

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My thanks to you both again[:)]

Also, for me, I have no need to cancel any prélèvements because Clair (my go-to person in the past) explained to me how I could pay by cheque and then, when SFR took over from Neuf, I continued with the cheques[:D]

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NormanH wrote : I think that in my case, as I had the option TV with the extra "décodeur" box, and I was taking over the sosh offer without TV sosh only cancelled the line and internet, not the TV bit, so I sent the recommendée for "belt and braces"

Never having had any add-ons to any basic deal I had forgotten about that.

So quite so, that is the right thing to do if you have any extras such as TV decoders etc. As you will have taken out a separate contract for the hire of the box you must cancel that agreement yourself directly with the company concerned ... and return said box in working condition.

And separately I believe ?


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Alas, OH had got rid of the original emballage but I do have all the bits and pieces, booklet, etc so will just have to send in a rigid box.

Norman, if it's not too much trouble, could you please give me a link to the page (for SFR) where you just need to input your password on espace client.  I have the password but I can't seem to find a page where they aren't trying to sell you something.

Box has arrived today but I am watching Davis Cup tennis so will fit it all up when the tennis finishes.

Fingers crossed.................!


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Ready to connect up this morning and got on the chatline for my codes (I wasn't sure I understood completely what was required when I rang[:(])

I was told my codes were not ready and so she couldn't give them to me.  I guess it will be Monday now before I could get them.

Still, progress albeit slow and steady, but that's OK as I need to get my head round all this, to me, complicated stuff!

PS  apologies to everyone who may not have the slightest interest in reading any of this and profound thanks again to Sue and Norman[:)]

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[quote user="mint"]Ready to connect up this morning and got on the chatline for my codes ...

I was told my codes were not ready and so she couldn't give them to me.  I guess it will be Monday now before I could get them.

Still, progress albeit slow and steady ...


Don't forget mint that you are still connected to SFR for the present. You will keep that until Sosh/Orange are ready to cut them off and use the then available line for themselves.

So you will probably lose all internet access and fixed phone usage until the changeover is made - this usually seems to take about 6 hours or so.

When all access to SFR has gone then you can follow the instructions in your booklet and plug in and connect the Livebox. If, like me, you have no smartphone then you will need your access codes from Sosh.

That is why you need you new Sosh sim card as it becomes your sole means of communicating for a while, until the Livebox is up and running and connected.


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Thank you, Sue, helpful and informative as ever.

I will do all the necessary like emailing, banking etc over the weekend and hope all will be sorted Monday or Tuesday.

BTW, when I put the new SIM into my (very old) phone, I was sceptical and hopeful at the same time, bearing in mind that you said the card would probably work as the phone was blocqué into Orange.

Imagine my surprise and delight when the phone leapt into life, a phone that I have tried all ways to unlock and that hasn't been used since 2007!  Be assured that if there are still blessings to be had nowadays, I sent you mine mentally[:D]

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That is why you need you new Sosh sim card as it becomes your sole means

of communicating for a while, until the Livebox is up and running and


That works as long as Sosh don't then send everything to the old Sim card as they did with me. In mint's case that is unlikely as she has opted for new numbers.

After 4 days of being cut-off completely, my livebox desperatelt trying to sync only a week or so into my Sosh contract I am tossing up whether or not just to cancel and go over to Free.

I have never had such a break of service in all my time in France.

I 'signalled' it by mobile and got an SMS to say they will deal with it on Monday....since that any other contact is met with a flat 'you already have problem being dealt with' and no other discussion is possible.

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