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internet and telephone provider recommendation provider please

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Norman said : Unfortunately despite what they claim, you do not get another activation code by switching off the box and switching on again

You will receive another code on your phone, I did, in fact several of them, but they was no use to me as I haven't a smartphone so could not click on the link to activate the box.

I rang Sosh and they gave me my id and code over the phone.

Norman wrote :

I now need an identifiant which begins with fti/ and a password, neither of which have been provided in any documentation

They will be but snail mail takes time.

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Sosh = 3976 - you could be lucky or you might be left hanging on

Sosh are totally overloaded at the moment as an enormous number of people have quit SFR - one report said 1 million in a couple of months another said 400 000 - and a majority have joined Orange or Sosh with Free and Bouygues picking up most of the rest.


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I am glad you are here today because I was a bit concerned as to how you were going to get to wherever it is that you are[geek]

You can't ring Sosh but if you get to anywhere that says "besoin aide", you get a choice to enter your phone number and they ring you back.  Of course, they don't ring as in someone is available to take your call now.  The phone plays some dreadful music and then eventually there is a ringing tone and someone speaks to you.

The 2 persons I spoke to were impatient and unhelpful (not helped by me getting a bit on the defensive perhaps) but the one I got on the chatline was charm and helpfulness personified!

Thank you for posting all this because I think that, on reflection, I won't be signing up with Sosh as I don't think I can deal with the hassle

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I am glad you are here today because I was a bit concerned as to how you were going to get to wherever it is that you are[geek]

You can't ring Sosh but if you get to anywhere that says "besoin aide", you get a choice to enter your phone number and they ring you back.  Of course, they don't ring as in someone is available to take your call now.  The phone plays some dreadful music and then eventually there is a ringing tone and someone speaks to you.

The 2 persons I spoke to were impatient and unhelpful (not helped by me getting a bit on the defensive perhaps) but the one I got on the chatline was charm and helpfulness personified!

Thank you for posting all this because I think that, on reflection, I won't be signing up with Sosh as I don't think I can deal with the hassle

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You are amazing Sue[:D]

You were right that the line would be available quickly (last night as it happens) and unfortunately also right about the help line

Will keep on trying...being France perhaps there will be less demand at lunchtime, though I suspect there will also be fewer conseilleurs

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Yes, thank you, Sue, for your patient and always relevant advice.

And you, too, Norman, always so patient and understanding.

I'm going to sit on it for a few days and then possibly have another go.

What I don't like about other providers is that nobody mentions that you pay the résiliation fee.  Sometimes you pay hundreds or even thousands for some things and you accept it.  Other times, little things like this 45 euros or whatever small sum it is to disconnect from SFR really, really get you annoyed.

I reckon we are all a bit strange and complex and we all have these "drawn lines" that seem to be the expression au courant in all of the media[8-)]

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Well, well, well, looks like SFR is now trying their hardest to hang on to their customers who have remained with them.

I was invited to look at my Espace Client to see what might be available to me.

It seems that I can get a new, faster box still with ADSL for 31euros 99 a month for a year, going up to 34 euros 99 a year, and no 3-euro rental of the box for a year.

Also, I can have fibre for 20 euros a month and, a cursory look through, tells me that an installer will come with all the necessary equipment and install everything for nothing.

As they say, if something looks too good to be true, it probably is.  So, if one of you SFR users (or even ex-users) would like to look at the offer, we can perhaps all benefit.

The advantage to me is that I don't have to change supplier, don't have to change phone numbers, don't have to do more than make a few clicks because, believe me, the other stuff was really giving me a headache.

Your considered opinion, svp[:)]

The fibre off is through their arm called RED

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[quote user="NormanH"]Sue you were right...and I was right too. There were fewer people online at 12.30  so I got through [:D]



That is what is called a result Norman. Congratulations. Perseverance paid off in the end.

Sue [:)]

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[quote user="mint"]Well, well, well, looks like SFR is now trying their hardest to hang on to their customers who have remained with them.

It seems that I can get a new, faster box still with ADSL for 31euros 99 a month for a year, going up to 34 euros 99 a year, and no 3-euro rental of the box for a year.

So, if one of you SFR users (or even ex-users) would like to look at the offer, we can perhaps all benefit.

The advantage to me is that I don't have to change supplier,

Your considered opinion, svp[:)]


Sounds very much as though you might have hit upon the right path for you mint.

Will gladly have a look at the new SFR offers tomorrow morning and get back to you.


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Thank you, Sue.

I tried the Sosh site again, with my NDI but when I filled in my RIO, they said it was invalid.

If I tried with my present SFR number, they say I am not eligible. 

A bit awkward as you have to use your NDI to check the line as the SFR number won't work, then when you fill in the RIO, that doesn't match up with the NDI.

I guess the only way for me is to speak to somebody but I am not sure at the moment who to use.  Might stick with SFR and then, after a year, when the cost goes back up, I could look around then.

But I'd still like your opinion, Sue, as you are so clued up on this[:)]

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The NDI is in effect your address for your line. The RIO is only used with the existing number , if you wan't to keep your current public face. If your happy with a new number then you will simply be allocated one.

So you order with the NDI , then later in the process , if you want to keep your existing number use the RIO.

The RIO is tied to your current phone number , not your "address".

It's quite likely that the NDI was, or would have been the number for the property before all this complicated phones out of the back of the livebox business cropped up. Using the NDI provides a bit of stability for the pair of wires back in the exchange in a world where the phone number can be changing whenever people change their internet/phone provider.

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Hello Mint, I mentioned (page 5) that we were trying to sign up with Sosh but couldn't because they wouldn't accept our credit card for the 1€ sim card. I tried the 'help' line but they put the phone down on me.

Eventually and with much deliberation we have gone for the SFR offer you just mentioned, and having read the rest of this thread I'm pleased that we have avoided the trauma and stress of changing operators! Hope you get sorted.
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mint wrote : I shall have another go after my return from lunch with friends and I am suitably sustained and fortified!

Mint having had a look at the offers by SFR I can only say that I am confused.

Possibly, because we are in an area where access to ADSL limited to 8 Mbits max, what appears online as available to me is not the same as what is available to you.

I noticed this difference when trying to do some research for Norman last week.

Norman cannot have fibre but has a much stronger access than just ADSL - called VDSL2 - than we do.

It really all depends where you live.

So, reference the fibre offer : unless you live in or close to a town it is most unlikely that you will be eligible for that as you just won't have the necessary cabling available near enough to you.

The site below : should help and guide you and they WILL ring you back if you need any help at all.


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"trying to sign up with Sosh but couldn't because they wouldn't accept our credit card for the 1€ sim card."

The same happened when I initially tried to join Sosh a couple of years ago using a UK card.

I just called back the next day and got an adviser with some initiative; they arranged for me to send them a cheque for the €1, so that's definitely a possibility if anyone has card problems.
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I like Sue wonder about the possibility of fibre for you, knowing where you live.

On the other hand if SFR let you have a more up to date box that might be a good idea to avoid all  the messing around, especially as the mobile element of this double forfait seems not to be very important in your case

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Bonjour, eveybody![:D]  I have bounced back after lunch and feeling ready to gird my loins and do battle once more[:P]

Was very nice, eating Italian for a change.  And for someone else to cook the pasta and go to pains with the sauce[:D]

Actually Sue and Norman, you are right, they said I was eligible for fibre but, when I clicked on the button, it took me to my espace client and it was a different offer.  However, I only had a new box earlier this year, which they sent to me, without any request from me but following problems with the old box.

But don't worry, dear friends, I am not having another go today because I reckon that you all need a rest from my continual needy requests for help[I]

So, take the day off for now but I don't and can't promise not to be back in the near future![:P]

Having looked at a few sites, the Sosh offer is still the best deal.  Not only that, I hate the thought of failing at doing something that so many others have managed to do!    

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[quote user="mint"]

So, take the day off for now ...

Having looked at a few sites, the Sosh offer is still the best deal. 


Have done just that as it was too hot to do much at all; just back from a super swim at the beach ...

Mint, don't rush into anything straight away. If you are intending to try again with Sosh then I will be happy to help you but you will need to be prepared with all you might require along the way.

I'll send you a pm.


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Today my correct mobile number was restored, so I now have a faster internet and a cheaper mobile service, exactly what was required.

It should be noted that the cheap tariff might not suit smartphone users who usea lot of data, but as I only make and receive calls with it and then use Wifi if I need to use any of the apps it is fine for me.

Thank you again Sue.

The main problem I had came from the advice that sosh gave to put my new simcard into the mobile straight away. That gave a temporary number which they completely ignored, sending all the SMSs to the original one.

So my advice

1)Wait to put the new sim card in until you have had all the information through.

2) When you do put it in, and have to activate it, you may have to call the temporary number before entering the client number. I had to do this, but it is not what the instructions say.

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Thank you Sue and Norman.

I hope to have a go tomorrow when I can set aside the appropriate time to do it...........after all, you never know how long they take to answer the phone!

I shall make a little flow-chart and a time line of what to do, what I need to have prepared, the requests I need to make so that they understand and I shall use highlighters and coloured inks[:D]

Haven't made one of those in years!  I assure you it will be a veritable work of art.....ha, ha, ha!

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