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internet and telephone provider recommendation provider please

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Normally you have to ask the service on 1023 for the NID. That is where I met my chap who spoke unrecognisable French. I believe the service is based in Madagascar...

There is a cunning way I had used to get mine, so infact I was only checking it with SFR..

If you go to


and enter your SFR number

then on the second screen go for the lower blue test elegibility one

you should then get a result screen which halfway down on the right hand side says

Adresse confidentielle

and a standart FT number different from your SFR one.

I did it, and had doubts, but in fact in speaking to the helpline they confirmed that this was indeed my NID

They didn't know that term though. I had to call it my France Télécom number...

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One other problem I came across, and the solution in case you need it.

Once I had put the new card Sim in my mobile I had to activate it.

To do this the instructions are

"Composer the 0800 100 740

saississez votre no de client xxxxxxxxxx

I couldn't get that to work so after several attempts I entered the new temporary mobile number that I mentioned before for the first stage , then at the second stage I entered the client number.

That worked for me, but it isn't what it tells you to do...

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Bonjour Norman et merci encore.

I wrote a short post last thing last night to say that I didn't get the NID following your instructions because the site recognised neither my SFR number nor my address.  I thought I'd used the "post" button but obviously not as I can't see my post now.

I'm going to see if I can get Sosh to ring me as per Sue's instructions, otherwise it might have to be Monday should they not be available this morning (ah yes, disponible, very useful!)

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Yes, tried that and the message said, the number is incorrect or it is an internet line.

Also tried ringing SFR but my mobile isn't with them and there does not seem to be a facility for writing an email.

Tried  ringing sosh at signing up stage but I guess Saturday morning is not a good time to ring as I tried a few times with no success.

Tried contacting Orange but, without a contract with them, I do not have an espace client.

Have emailed the previous owner of the house and asked him whether he might have his old phone number by any chance.

Will try signing up with Sosh again and see if I get a reply!

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I did try that and tried pressing the appropriate button to speak to someone about "le box".  Rang forever but not too sure whether I have got the hang of which button to press for the NDI, not sure if it's NID because when I tried googling that, I had stuff about bees' nests[:-))]

Also tried looking for myself on Pages Blanches and discovered that my address on there is slightly different from the one on the titre of the house.

So, I input the variation into the site you have provided and it said my signal as faible and they couldn't give me ADSL. 

Tried a couple of other sites too but my "official" address seems to be in the middle of uninhabited vast fields and yet the Bureau de Poste have no problems whatsoever in recognising where I live.

Now I don't know if it's doable but can one of you already on the books as it were of Sosh take pity on me and do a tchat or similar and ask them how I might resolve my problem?  I shall be eternally grateful and I will give you all my details by PM down to my "vital statistics"?

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Mint wrote : Now I don't know if it's doable but can one of you already on the books as it were of Sosh take pity on me and do a tchat or similar and ask them how I might resolve my problem?

Gosh, sorry to hear you are in such a pickle Mint. Hopefully Norman, with his superb command of French, will be able to sort out something concrete ref your address and/or telephone number to get you back on the right track with Sosh.

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Thank you, Norman and Sue, my 2 staunchest helpers[:)]

Now have my NDI by the simple expedient of emailing the previous owner[I]

But new day, new question...............sorrreee!

What does RIO stand for and will I have to ring SFR to get my RIO?

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mint wrote : But new day, new question...

You need the Rio for your fixed phone to be able to keep your present telephone number when you change internet providers.

To get it you ring 3179 (free) from your fixed phone. As the RIO is a long and complicated number it will also be sent to any mobile you have listed with SFR.

To keep the same mobile number you have to ring 3179 from your mobile; again long number but they will send you a text with the number.

These are the 2 numbers you will need to give to Sosh so they can cancel your contract with SFR.

All you will then need to do is ring SFR when all is working with Sosh and ask them to send you a free returns label for your neuf box or you can complete an online SFR form.

But do not contact SFR until all is working well with Sosh.

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Thank you, Sue and Norman.

The mobile is not with anybody!  It's hardly ever used, just for keeping track of OH (after he fell ill).  I have a PAYG, no forfait, with Lycamobile.

The ligne fixe is with SFR and the number is not the same as the NDI!! 

Why is my life so full of complications, I ask myself[:-))]

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[quote user="mint"]

The mobile is not with anybody!  It's hardly ever used, just for keeping track of OH (after he fell ill).  I have a PAYG, no forfait, with Lycamobile.


No problem, if you want to keep your Lyca number then you ring 3179 from your Lyca mobile and then give Sosh this number - which is the RIO for your mobile number - and they will transfer the same mobile number to your new Sosh sim card.

If you do not mind having a new mobile number with Sosh then do not bother with this bit and the new sim will have a new mobile number.

Do you have a spare mobile to put it in ?

[quote user="mint"]

The ligne fixe is with SFR and the number is not the same as the NDI!! 


Ditto above but ring 3179 from your fixed phone and an automatic voice will give you your SFR RIO and send you a text of the n° to your Lyca phone. This number is necessary IF you want to keep the same fixed number as you have at present, which everyone you know knows too.

If you don't mind having a new fixed number then Sosh will give you one.


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Sue, I am truly grateful for your excellent advice.

I have rung the number you gave me (many times) and checked the RIO but obviously I need a good hearing aid or a better understanding of French to be sure of getting everything right.

I asked Sosh to ring me back but, after putting me on hold, they never came back!

I thought I'd been a bit smart to test the line using my NDI, saying that the line was mine and attempting to place the order.

Does it matter if my fixed line is number is not the same as my NDI?  Would that affect the RIO?  It seems to me that when SOSH checks my RIO, using the NDI, the 2 perhaps do not correspond?  Also, if they checked my name against the NDI, then obviously my name will not match that of the previous occupant.  Although I did tell them the name of the previous proprietor and that I had lived here for 6 years.

Just to be sure that I did hear the RIO right, I am going to ask a French friend to come over and ring it and listen to it.

BTW, I didn't get any messages, neither by text nor by email with the RIO, so I am beginning to think that, except for paying the SFR bill, I am non-existent!  Even my address is not on GPS and I have even tried withholding my house number because there is a road on a local lotissement that is nearly the same as mine.

So, it's not Norman who is too stupid to change to Sosh, it is obviously ME![+o(]

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Mine has now turned to a nightmare because without me having ANY contact with them, let alone cancelling, SFR have now cut off my fixed telephone and Internet, and sosh say their line will be ready ....on the 14th!

At the same time with their silly temporary mobile number none of my usual contacts can send me messages[:@]

Fortunately we have a couple of Wifi sources in the village, but I think I will have to go back to Béziers in the meanwhile.

If I had known the degree of  complication, incompetence and hassle I was going to encounter I would never have started.

This is no reflection on you Sue. You have been as helpful as anybody could have been...

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NormanH wrote :

Mine has now turned to a nightmare because without me having ANY contact with them, let alone cancelling, SFR have now cut off my fixed telephone and Internet, and sosh say their line will be ready ....on the 14th!

Don't worry too much, Sosh said 10 days to me too then the box arrived the next day, the sim card worked straight away, the box set itself up and the internet was ready to go a few hours later.

SFR have to cut you off so that Orange can reclaim the line.

Since the change in the law at the end of 2014 it is the new Internet provider who cancels the old contract - all you are left to do is ask SFR for a returns label for your neufbox.

I asked for all texts re info etc to go to my mobile number not the to the new sim card as it is hard enough being without the internet for 24 hours never mind being phone-less as well.

Even so I had to go to my neighbour next door so I could tell Sosh that I couldn't activate my Livebox as I didn't have a smartphone. Sosh kindly gave me my codes so I could tell the box who I was and then activate it manually.

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Hm, definitely now worried that I won't be able to do the necessary as all that you have described sounds very complicated to me, Sue.

Norman, are you there or have you left for Béziers?

I have now obtained my RIO, using the site you have so kindly provided!

In the meantime, I tried to subscribe to Free.  On the face of it, it was easier, no passport, no RIO even but I couldn't print out the abonnement because it was not in French nor any language known to me.  It was all printing and overprinting.

Then tried as I might, I couldn't find a place where they said they'd pay for your résiliation so I am not doing anything about that for the moment.

Having spent hours already today, trying to resolve this, I am now going to wait a day or two to draw breath!

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[quote user="mint"]

Having spent hours already today, trying to resolve this, I am now going to wait a day or two to draw breath!


Good idea, mint.

I'm sorry you are finding this a trial - when changing one ISP for another it can work well, but if there is any complication, however small, especially if you are not used to doing this kind of thing, then the whole thing can quickly become a nightmare.

Having researched the best ISP for a friend who lives in the sticks I was well versed in Sosh when it came to signing her up, which I did for her. It all worked like clockwork apart from a small hiccup as Orange/Sosh doesn't work well with Apple computers when it comes to getting to listen to telephone messages left in your absence, and she has an Apple macbook. But we got there in the end.

So when it came to us changing over I chose Sosh too. We cannot have Free where we are so that didn't come into my equation.

Apart from not having a smartphone, which would have helped as Sosh assume everyone has one, our changeover was without incident once I had asked them for my access codes for the new Livebox; until then it was working but did not recognise me so wouldn't let me sign in or personnalise it.

Can you remember ordering and setting up your SFR connection and box ?


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Should be OK now, Sue, as I have my ndi, my rio and even a colour copy of my passport all ready to go[:)]

Changing to SFR, well it was Neuf then and our own Clair explained to me how to do it.  It was just a matter of a phone call, and all was done for me.  And remember, I could hardly speak any French then!

I've never been too au fait with anything involving technology because I just want to do VERY basic things, say, with the computer and I just can't get interested because I get impatient and frustrated and half the time, I can't see any screen (apart from the one on my laptop) because of failing eyesight.

Hope Norman is OK, wherever he has gone, and that he has seen your previous message about there being no 10-day wait!

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Sosh is a scandalous nightmare

They have sent my activation code to the old mobile number that  they changed for a temporary one.

When I realised that I changed the card SIM and picked up the code

only to be told it was only valid for 15 minutes and had now expired!!!

Unfortunately despite what they claim, you do not get another activation code by switching off the box and switching on again

I now need an identifiant which begins with fti/ and a password, neither of which have been provided in any documentation

I have had FREE (and still have in town) SFR wanadoo and a couple which don't exisy anymore but have never come across such difficulty

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