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internet and telephone provider recommendation provider please

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Norman, timely and helpful advice as ever. Mille mercis.

That's MUCH easier.  I will get the form filled and get photocopies from our mairie (yes, they are forever doing little services like these).  Living in a small community does have its compensations[:)]

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SOS Norman and/or Sue..........I can't seem to review my options before payment.

So, would it be right that I have chosen internet + phone + mobile but my bill seems to be only 24 euros 99 and with a 6 month intro offer of 5 euros off?

Is that right?  I don't want to pay before being sure?

Edit:  OK, sorry for the panic.  In fact the 5 euros reduction seems to be for 12 months so offer looking better than ever!

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Once you have got everything finalised with sosh, you need to fill out this form....


to get 5 euros per month off.

If you have cancellation fees, you need to fill out this form....


to get them refunded.

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We are also attempting to sign up for the 29.99€ sosh deal but have encountered a problem - they ask for 1€ for the mobile phone sim card, which must be paid by credit card. Unfortunately the site will not accept any of our credit cards ( and it says to choose an alternative payment method, but no alternative is given). As we have to give them bank details as part of the application you would have thought they could take the single euro out with the first month's payment, but as it is unless we can find a solution they have lost a potential customer for the sake of 1€. Any ideas anyone?
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[quote user="soupagirl"]We are also attempting to sign up for the 29.99€ sosh deal but have encountered a problem - they ask for 1€ for the mobile phone sim card, which must be paid by credit card. [/quote]

Sosh are asking you to pay 1€ using your French bank card - as this way they can verify that you are (in financial terms anyway) the person you say you are.

If you have not got a French card then click on the box which asks if you are having problems and Sosh will ring you straightaway - though you might be on hold for a bit as so many disgruntled SFR clients are leaving all at the same time.


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Good morning, everybody!

I am back because, in my usual super efficient fashion, I managed to sign up for the wrong deal.  I got to consult one of their advisors on-line and we agreed that I would cancel the contract and that I will start again with the package I want after 6 days (don't know why 6 days).  The very pleasant-sounding person said she would do le nécessaire for cancellation.

However and just to be on the safe side, I have printed out the formulaire de rétraction and now need an address to send it to.  I could only find an address in Paris but I think that is the office sosh is registered to and not their admin centre.  So, Sue, Dave and others who may have factures to refer to, could you please provide me with an address so that I can send off the form and then I'd have spoken to someone AND written as well! 

Talk about belt-and-braces!  I reckon that in France it's perhaps best to have belt AND braces AND strong knicker elastic.

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The saga continues.  Despite cancelling during my live chat, I have received an email today saying that they have sent my SIM card.

I suppose if I do not return my documents or indeed return the SIM, I could fill in my formulaire de résiliation and start again?

What a faffe but there we are.  I hope I do not have to wait too long to get the internet package.  There is no email or phone number to contact and I only hope that they have a record of the on-line chat and advice given and indeed the promise to cancel my contract.

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Presumably they said 6 Days to allow for your 10 days notice of cancellation of your current contract to go through the system.

Starting in 6 days means that they probably won't overlap.

Couldn't you have just changed your forfait in the Espace Client, to avoid paying 10- days for nothing?

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Thank you, BJSLIV.  I shall have a go at changing.  I think the conditions are that if you gave your notice within 21 days, they will rescind all charges if you haven't used any services.

Otherwise you are charged pro rata.  I just thought it might be easier to do a straightforward cancellation.

But yours is an excellent suggestion as I have only asked for a new SIM and I shall be needing a new SIM in any case.

I just think I am a bit dim at doing these things because it all feels very strange not to be able to send emails and not to be able to speak to anybody

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[quote user="mint"]Good morning, everybody!

I am back because, in my usual super efficient fashion, I managed to sign up for the wrong deal.  I got to consult one of their advisors on-line and we agreed that I would cancel the contract and that I will start again with the package I want after 6 days (don't know why 6 days).  The very pleasant-sounding person said she would do le nécessaire for cancellation.

However and just to be on the safe side, I have printed out the formulaire de rétraction and now need an address to send it to.  I could only find an address in Paris but I think that is the office sosh is registered to and not their admin centre.  So, Sue, Dave and others who may have factures to refer to, could you please provide me with an address so that I can send off the form and then I'd have spoken to someone AND written as well! 

Talk about belt-and-braces!  I reckon that in France it's perhaps best to have belt AND braces AND strong knicker elastic.


I cannot see any address on my 'factures'! Maybe it is the same as for Orange if someone has that.

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[quote user="mint"]

When you got your livebox and other stuff for your system, was there a return address on the packaging?


No, it doesn't work like that. One place sends them out, another takes them back.

Would it not be easier to refuse the parcel ?

This is what I was advised to do when I changed my mind about being with Bouygues after I had signed up with them online when we moved 4 years ago.

I went along to the post office and asked what would happen if I refused the parcel and they said it would be returned to Bouygues after 14 days and, as it had my name and all details on the package, they would know who it was from.

That worked a treat but I would contact Sosh and check out if this is possible in your situation.

How did you get the wrong abonnement; what did you sign up for ?

I tell everyone to click on the 'I need help' box and then Sosh ring you and go through the signing up with you, so no mistake can be made.


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Thank you, Norman, that could well be it!

Sue, I can't refuse the parcel as it's only a SIM card that they are sending me and they have already told me that I will not have to sign for it!  Perhaps I can write a note to my facteur and ask him not to deliver it.

He is new on our patch.  My previous lady would certainly call in and see me if I left her a note.

It's a long story how I got the wrong contract.  I was given a promo code but I didn't realise the code was only for a mobile.  I tried to ask on the forum whether it looked OK but nobody was around at the time.  I'd have done better to have waited for a reply but tomorrow, when I have time to see if I can get on to my espace client, I will see what I can do to change the contract.

Still now that you have told me, Sue, that the stuff is sent from another department, I am hoping that no SIM arrives as the person I chatted on line to definitely said she would do le necessaire for me to cancel the contract.  OTOH, I have not received anything to say that the contract is cancelled.  They do say they do not send out emails so maybe it's been done and I have not been told!

 If I didn't send them my passport and RIB details, perhaps nothing will happen?  BUT I don't want any black mark against my name as I definitely want to have the Sosh package of internet and phone.

Norman, I am going to send my form to the address you have given me in the meantime.

And thank you, everyone for your helpful advice and sympathy[kiss]

I'll do an update, in case my experience could be of help to someone.


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[quote user="mint"]Crabtree, when the SIM does arrive, it will surely have some address on it?

When you got your livebox and other stuff for your system, was there a return address on the packaging?



When I got a new Livebox I had to go to my local Point Relais with my old Livebox. The guy at the relais opened the box he received with my name on it, and neatly packed inside was the new Livebox in it's box. He then placed my old Livebox in the original box and sealed it. He then lifted the address label with my details on it and underneath it stuck to the box was the return label. I had  nothing to do except sign for the new Livebox!

I cannot see any address details for Sosh on anything I have from them!

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OK, everybody, all is well; the message came today to say that they have cancelled.

So I suppose I can now reapply WITHOUT making a hash of it this time.

Thank you, everybody for your immense patience with someone who seems to be getting dodderyer by the day!

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My box is waiting to be plugged in and I followed the advice to change the sim card straight away (the card was hidden away in the same packaging as the box mint as a tip for when it arrives)

One temporary annoyance is that this means that I have a temporary mobile number for a week that none of my contacts know,  so I won't be able to receive any text messages in the meanwhile, and I am expecting a couple of important ones, such as the notification that my carte de séjour  that I have just renewed is ready....

I also use that number to verify internet purchases...

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Thank you for the tip and, of course, for all the other info you have so generously taken the time to provide.

I have a mobile at present with Lycamobile and also an old phone originally with Orange sans forfait.  If Sue is right in saying that the new SIM would work straightaway, then I shall be in heaven.  Otherwise, I shall buy a new phone from leboncoin or somewhere else or maybe even accept the offer of a smartphone from one of OH's sons and hope to be up and running soon after that!

It IS a great, albeit temporary, annoyance, to you for all the reasons you have mentioned.  You may have to either make contact in some other way for the people you are expecting to hear from or wait out the week.  Mon dieu, doesn't everything take time that you'd rather spend doing other, more enjoyable, things?

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NormanH wrote : One temporary annoyance is that this means that I have a temporary mobile number for a week that none of my contacts know, so I won't be able to receive any text messages in the meanwhile, and I am expecting a couple of important ones, such as the notification that my carte de séjour that I have just renewed is ready....

I also use that number to verify internet purchases...

We were very fortunate in having a spare sim-less mobile kicking around so could receive updates from Sosh re what was happening, whilst still using our old number for just such occurrences as yours.

Unfortunately what we don't have is a smartphone, so, having plugged in our new Play box I found we could not activate it as the activation link on my phone was not clickable due to it not being a smartphone.

Cue ringing Sosh, asking them to give me identification and password over the phone so I could manually input the info via my laptop. This worked and the Live box was authenticated and then sprang into connected life.

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