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internet and telephone provider recommendation provider please

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Nothing fancy, just phone and internet, no movies, TV, music etc.

Have been with SFR (when it was Neuf) after parting company with Orange (then called France Telecom).

Norman and Chancer, I know you have something with Free but could you please explain to me how it works?

Why do I want to change?  Well, it was simple and relatively cheap until this month when there is a hike in price of about 12 euros for 2 months.  Not a vast fortune as such but I hate prices that are suddenly increased when you are not using any more than you used to.

Heck, I'll swallow my resentment and go back to Orange if they have a better deal.  Will probably have to pay to break from SFR but some things cannot be fought against and it's necessary to move on, n'est ce pas?[:'(]

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[quote user="crabtree"]sosh.fr   mobile + Livebox

29.99€ per month includes mobile phone line and internet with free calls from home. Currently on offer for 24.99€. No rental of Livebox.


Swapped from SFR for exactly the same reason and have now been with Sosh for 1 month - they have made it very easy to move to them and all works very well. Our internet speed even increased from 5Mbits to 7+Mbits in our back-of-beyond by the sea.


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SFR slyly added to paying TV chains that you can't get out of even if you don't want them.

That's why the price went up

I know because I have SFR in the village place where Free is not available. That might also be the case fot you Mint, since I have the impression that although I am a fan of Free they concentrate their services in larger towns and cities.

My problem with sosh is that the cheap offer is for adsl.

If you want VDSL2 which gives a better speed it seems you have to go for a more expensive package

I would be grateful if any of the knowledgeable people here could advise on that since my line is eligible for VDSL2 and I would like to keep the speed I have in the country of about 14 mb

There is a comparison site:


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NormanH wrote : SFR slyly added to paying TV chains that you can't get out of even if you don't want them.

That's why the price went up.

Not only that but SFR introduced a 3€ monthly rental for the neufbox starting in August, so this increase has just hit people's bills.

For me that was the straw in the proverbial camel's back.

SFR seem to be concentrating on fibre and families, which is fine if you live anywhere you can benefit from fibre and have 'gaming' partners or children.

For those out of town that is an impossibility at present.

Norman, check out your availability with Sosh by filling in one of their 'am I eligible' boxes. It works by telephone number or address.

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I am eligible, but the question is whether to go with the cheapest offer and adsl or pay 44.99 for vdsl2

The extra is worth it  if the speed is really faster for me.

In any case I would be able to combine my Internet and mobile bills and make a saving.

I do watch TV on my computer but the ones I watch are available via

pluzz in any case apart from Arte.

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I am trying to confirm whether you have to pay 44€99 for VDSL2; as far as I can see that used to be the case in 2014 but perhaps no longer. If I find confirmation that the lower cost of 29€99 will include VDSL2 I will repost.

Also interested by this case reference a client increasing his speed inside his dwelling :


Edit : this page seems to agree with what I found :


Lucky you if you can obtain 14Mbits - stuff dreams are made of !


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[quote user="suein56"]

Edit : this page seems to agree with what I found, but I would still advise caution :


Lucky you if you can obtain 14Mbits - stuff dreams are made of !


Though I would definitely chat online with a Sosh agent before signing up with them as I am someone who likes to have everything confirmed to my satisfaction before signing.


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I was also with SFR since the Neuf days until last month when I too got fed up of the creeping price rises.

I have also gone to Sosh with a basic internet, phone and mobile deal. It all went smoothly and my speed increased rom a pathetic 1.5mb to a slightly less pathetic 2mb.

I elected to keep my old mobile number, but wanted a new landline number to avoid my 20+calls per day with interesting offers for solar panels and sh1te like that. This meant that Sosh take care of cancelling the mobile but I have to cancel the landline myself.

I called them up to cancel and after much faffing got through to the right person who looked at my account and said "oh, I see you are paying a very high monthly rate that is a legacy from the Neuf contract....I can reduce that for you now."

How about NO! You could have reduced it years ago, but continued to ream me at the higher price and no doubt would have kept on doing so indefinately if I hadnt called up, so I dont care what price you offer, Im cancelling it anyway.

"Oh. "

I then had to send a letter recommande stating my wish to cancel and SFR have just sent me a prepaid postage label to return my old modem. All I have to do is stick the sticker on the box and take it to the pickup point......oh wait, the nearest pickup point is 45 minutes drive away.

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Dave - that happened to us with Antargaz too.

I think all these utility companies know that most people are too lazy to change provider.

I can't add anything on internet etc, we've stayed with Orange . A few problems but on the whole with them, better the devil you know.

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I think you are right Sue since I get this page which shows the first two options as offering ADSL and only the 44.99 and above with VDSL2


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[quote user="NormanH"]I must be too stupid to be a client of Sosh.


Never !

Try this one : https://boutique.orange.fr/sosh-mobile-livebox

When you have finally decided to go for Sosh and start filling in the online forms then you might well see a smallish box on the RHS asking you if you want to be called back. On clicking 'yes I did', Sosh rang straight away and the deal was done, though at length as I wanted to be sure that I had it all as I wanted.

One point, or rather 2, if you want to keep your present landline telephone no then you need your RIO number for it : this you obtain (free) by ringing 3179 from your home phone. The number will also be sent to your mobile if you want as it is quite long.

Ditto if you want to keep your mobile tel number then you ring 3179 from your mobile and your present provider is obliged to give you your mobile RIO for free. It is all automatic, no real people to speak to.

Since the end of 2014, and a change in the law, it has been your new Internet service provider who takes care of every aspect of the changeover from your old provider.

The only contact I had with SFR was to ring them - for free and when all was up and running with Sosh - to confirm the cancellation and to ask for a returns label for the Neufbox. This label can be sent by email or posted.


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[quote user="NormanH"]I think you are right Sue since I get this page which shows the first two options as offering ADSL and only the 44.99 and above with VDSL2


Gosh, you are right Norman. We don't see that page, ours is similar but decidedly different. I suppose that is because we cannot have VDSL2.


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[quote user="NormanH"]How did you get your NDI?  The real line number, not the SFR number which isn't recognised when you try to subscribe.


SFR had told me at some point; you can find it out somehow though I have forgotten how.

But if you don't complete the number box on the Sosh page, just input your address, then Sosh should discover your NDI number for themselves.

CF : http://forum.bouyguestelecom.fr/questions/943365-trouver-numero-ndi-france-telecom

If not then contact SFR - http://www.monpetitforfait.com/comparateur-box-internet/aides-box-internet/numero-ndi-comment-obtenir-changer-offre-internet


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[quote user="NormanH"]I rang the 1023  but he spoke worse French than I do.

Finally we got on better in English...


Ha! Ha!

Except that it's sometimes more difficult to speak English at the recommended slow speed, paying attention to diction, checking back every couple of words to get feedback that you have actually been understood and being careful not to make any jokes or indeed generally speaking as you would normally do.............[;-)]

Edit:  thanks for the 1023

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Well my order has gone through.

By far the most difficult part was getting that number...

Hope it all works out as I am fed up with SFR.

Many thanks to Sue for your patient efforts to help.

The links you provided were every thing I needed.

I have been with Free in Béziers for years and happy with them there, but SFR on my country line have been taking the p*** with their creeping increases, and adding TV chains that I didn't want was the last straw.

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We aren't alone:


Si rien n’interdit à un opérateur de modifier les conditions

contractuelles de ses abonnés, le nouvel article L. 224-33 du code de la

consommation (ex-L. 121-84) l’oblige toutefois à en avertir les clients

concernés entre 1 mois et 4 mois avant l’entrée en vigueur de la

modification, ce qui semble être le cas. Le client dispose ensuite de

4 mois à partir de la date de l’augmentation (soit jusqu’au 13 décembre

dans le cas de cette dernière hausse) pour résilier son offre sans

frais. Si vous êtes concerné et que vous souhaitez en profiter pour

changer d’opérateur, vous n’aurez donc à payer ni les 49 € de frais de

résiliation ni les éventuels frais de résiliation anticipée appliqués en

cas d’engagement
. Idem si vous êtes sous le coup d'une période

d'engagement de 12 ou 24 mois : vous pouvez mettre fin au contrat sans

avoir à payer les frais de résiliation anticipée.

« Pour nous, la valeur d’un opérateur se mesure désormais à ce qu’il transporte : des émotions », s’enflammait SFR dans son mail. Ce flot d’émotions commence à coûter très cher.

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I'm hoping to get mine done tomorrow.  I no longer have a scanner so I'll have to go through some old emails to find the passport and hopefully a RIB that I can email.  Otherwise I'll have to find my old scanner and call the old computer back into use to email the docs.

As for the frais de résiliation, I am sure the Sosh lot would know about that because they have promised to reimburse you up to 100 euros for the termination.

All to the good..........and I thought it was so good of them to offer me a new box in the summer after I had some problems with the old one!

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