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France 2 TV signal lost

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Our TF1 keeps breaking. It has never done that before. What's going on???

Why not retune all your channels on the telly. If that does not fix it then you probably will need to adjust your aerial and maybe point it towards another broadcasting mast/beacon or whatever. Sometimes trees have grown since its original installation and are now blocking it slightly.

If the aerial receives all the other channels ok then it won't need replacing.
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Thanks, both, will re-tune all channels.  Have never been able to receive TF1.  Our house is in a sort of hollow with a large hill behind us.  Good for blocking out cold, north winds but apparently good for blocking out TV signals as well. 

Grecian, how are you?  Have they let you out already?[:D]

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Harnser, thanks for the link.  I checked our location and our antenna is already orientated to the mast indicated.

Then, did a retune as suggested by ALBF and voilà, lots of channels including TF1and 2.  Wish I had asked earlier as I wanted to watch Davis Cup yesterday[:'(]

Still, will be good for Roland Garros in May[:D]

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Sorry mint, I misread your post and did not realize that you receive your signal via an aerial, not a lot of use in unplugging a box you do not have! I have set myself a 100 lines, ' I must take more notice as to what mint posts'. Glad to hear that you have taken ALBF's advice and retuned your channels back to normal.

Yes mint, I managed to escape Friday afternoon, my shortest hospital stay in France to date. Whilst the operation seems to have flattened the rugby ball that I had been carrying around in my tummy for over a year now, the actual hospital was pretty poor. I was discharged without a doctor examining for the last two days, even more frightening as they had fed me the same meal for NINE consecutive meals, tasteless soup and compot. I went on hunger strike on Thursday evening and refused to eat meal number 9, mainly because lunchtime I almost threw up because my stomach was point blank refusing to go through the same thing again. Friday morning I was put back onto the normal diet for breakfast and lunch, no interim mashed potato as per normal, so the doctor would not have had any idea as to how my body would react to solid food again. Add to all this the room was only cleaned twice in five days, and the jug containing my drinking water was filled up from the tap in the toilet.[+o(]

Hope you are continuing to feel a little better from all the rubbish that you are having to put up with at the moment. The only thing that I can say is that just hang on in there, all the treatment comes and goes, and at some stage things will return to normal.
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Grecian, I am delighted that you have got out of that ....er....hospital or that building that passes for a hospital.

One good outcome, now you know what horrible tastes like, you might be more inclined to drink green sludge as prescribed by Dr Teapot?[:P]

Actually, now I am used to it, I get quite upset if it isn't green enough, as in day before yesterday when I had no more green leafy stuff to put in it.  Today, back to GREEN, with sprigs of broccoli AND some watercress...........nice!

Seriously, try it whilst you are watching TF2 via your box[;-)]  There, I've stayed on topic!!

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