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What is the easiest to retore my list of contacts on my Orange messagerie?

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Had my email hacked and have now changed my password.  Also spent hours today on the phone and answering emails to reassure friends and family.

Apparently, it is common to lose all of your list of contacts[6]  Can someone please explain to me what is the quickest way to get all my info back?  I have had to scroll through old emails in order to get hold of people and that is a long and tedious process.

So some help with this would be wonderful!

Also for all those who are in regular email contact with me, would you please send me an email with your phone numbers (where necessary) and bank details too of course, if you wish!  [:D]  Then I could re-add you to this new list that I am going to have to make.........sigh....

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Thank you for reading.  I have now got ALL my contacts back.  The list dates back to something like AD 100 and every conceivable person who I have ever contacted and who has ever contacted me is in it!

So some inevitable time spent pruning the list[:(]  Still, better than having lost all the info.....

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