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Ok stop laughing!   I am sure I read/listened to a programe about being able to send a FAX from a computer. Need to sent one but when I visited the local Fax point this a.m  the line was busy( a large teaching hospital) Is there a way I can do this late at night via my computer. Any answers appreciated in nice gentle idiot proof frormat please! Mrs O
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Its certainly easy to send a fax from a computer to a fax machine (because they are both connected to a 'phone line). All you need is the correct computer software, and that's your problem.

Windows 98 had a fax facility built in, but they took it out when introducing Windows XP.  So you need a fax program in your computer.  That means you have to find one buried in your existing software, or buy one and install it with a disk, or download one from a web site. Or you can use one of the variuous web sites that will send a fax for you, at a price!

Nothing comes free nowadays, so you're probably going to have to pay.  Try the help menu on your computer to find any existing software you didn't know you had; visit a computer software shop or web site for a product; or check one of the web services that offer to do it for you.

Assuming you just want to send one fax one time as cheap as possible, suggest you try www.tpc.int ; www.pumaone.co.uk ; www.efax.com ; or search for similar with your prefered search facility.





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