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Montebourg Cat Refuge

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Harley, just speaking for myself, I give to charities because I want to, when I have the funds to do so. I don't do it to get something in return.

That being said, if there is a charity that I would support anyway, and they are selling something that I need or want and would be buying anyway, then I do buy it from them.  For example, I've made purchases from the Animal Rescue website over the years because I needed something that they offered, so I preferred giving them the money rather than giving it to someone else.


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I work 40 hours a week, night duties and my own time for an animal charity and would willingly do more.  First point,  however, what I find makes a difference to sponsors who do donate - is how their donation is received by the charity.  All too often we become complacent and don't give people enough genuine 'time' - it just needs someone to make the effort to say 'thank-you' and mean it, to encourage the person to donate again.  Cries of 'oh thanks, just stick the donation in the corner with all the others' is just going to put someone off taking the trouble.

2nd point - Friends of mine, however loving and kind will not donate to animal charities - their rationale is that there are so many starving children, they should be the priority.  Each to their own.


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Harley - just came upon this post as I am terribly allergic to cats, hadn't read it up to now.

I'd be happy to donate food/litter, etc., but I am not near you.  I go to our local Lidl all the time, but posting things (that heavy) could get pretty pricey.  Does Lidl sell gift certificates?  If so, are they good at any Lidl?  Anybody know?

Did you say they take check donations?  If so, to whom and at what address?


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Thank you Chesnelay for your time today[:D].  I don't think I would mind so much about the "time" if I could see people were up against it work wise but I do know what you mean.  I have donated items to several big name charity shops in the UK and received exactly the attitude you describe.  Didn't want banners proclaiming my generosity or anything, but a simple thank you would have been nice.  This refuge are really going to be pushing it to get these animals comfy before the winter sets in in earnest.  If you would prefer that your money went to another charity, there are other ways you can help.  Run a stall at a Vide Grenier, hold a Coffee Morning or a book sale, donate left over building materials or just volunteer for a few hours for some construction work.

Once again, thank you.  All this feedback will also help in the long run.[:D]

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Thank you Lori for taking the time to respond.[:D]  If you would like to help and are too far away, they would be very grateful for a cheque.  You could even sponsor a cat if you like[I].  They are also looking for monthly sponsors.[;-)]  Take your pick.  Whichever you decide on, the cats /kitties will benefit.

Please send your donation to:

Tansy Forster Vice President

Le Chat Mon Ami

Montebourg Cat Refuge

Les Trois Maisons


Postal address

5 Village de l'Eglise


L'Association No 0502005556 Le Sous-Prefet de Cherbourg

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The lady who set up the refuge is French but speaks very good English and is assisted by a lovley English lady called Tansy so I suspect English will be fine.

Thank you for that - when you don't have much yourself it makes your contribution even more precious[:D]

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Thank you James !


    ...and a big hug for you    [:)]                                    



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[quote user="Forum Admin"]

I'll look into the sponsorship situation...


James, if Living France can be persuaded to sponsor or assist the Refuge in some way... I'll... I'll... subscribe to Living France. [:D][:D]

(... and before anyone suggests I forget LF and subscribe to the Refuge instead, I do already donate to Le Chat Mon Ami and have homed two of their kittens, Pip and Squeak [kiss])

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I am so sorry but I am late to this scene and today is particularly sad for me in that my cat Thomas and who was the subject of a rescue by myself over 15 years ago is not very well and it may well be kidney failure.  Please let me know how I can make a contribution to the cause be it directly through food or whatever on one of my many trips to Cherbourg or through a cheque donation.

As I said sorry for the lateness of the hour.  I live near Percy (50)

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[quote user="Llwyncelyn"]

I am so sorry but I am late to this scene and today is particularly sad for me in that my cat Thomas and who was the subject of a rescue by myself over 15 years ago is not very well and it may well be kidney failure.  Please let me know how I can make a contribution to the cause be it directly through food or whatever on one of my many trips to Cherbourg or through a cheque donation.

As I said sorry for the lateness of the hour.  I live near Percy (50)


Thank you Llwyncelyn for taking a few minutes to write a few words of support.  I am so sorry to hear about Thomas.  I sincerely hope it is not serious.  One of my Moggies has not been too well either and will be going to the vet later so I know how you feel.  Not quite as old as your Thomas but we "rescued" him as a kitten 11 years ago from a sanctuary like Montebourg.  We went in search of a kitten for my Grandmother after my Grandfather passed away but Spot (as we call him) leaped at the wire and cried as we walked past.  I just had to go and give him cuddle but, he hung on for dear life, et voila! We found ourselves with a kitty too.  He has to be in on every family photo and has accepted his role as head of the family with glee.  Much to the annoyance of my husband![:)]

Your offer of help will be very much appreciated by the cats and kitties. 

If you would like to make a donation by cheque as and when, that would be great.

You could become a monthly sponsor of 10 Euros (I need to find 8 others)

Food/warm blankets/Cat Litter/Building Materials always welcome

Really it's a case of what suits you the best.  Even the smallest amount of help, is help, at the end of the day and will not be turned away or scoffed at.

Please let us know how things go with Thomas.


Le Chat Mon Ami

Montebourg Cat Refuge

Les Trois Maisons


Postal address

5 Village de l'Eglise


L'Association No 0502005556 Le Sous-Prefet de Cherbourg

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Hi thanks for the posting.  Please can you send me a pm and then we can set up a monthly sponsorship.  Its strange I have just done our prelevements and over egged the pudding by a certain % each month and thus have some spare cash.

Finally I sponsor back home three dogs with the Dogs Trust so we should achieve balance in favour of our feline friends.

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Will be in touch - just getting the details together and it can be paid by Direct Debit.  Thank you very much[:D]


Also, there is a big article about Montebourg in The Rendevous this month.  Will try to post some details.

I am still looking for 7 monthly sponsors to reach my target.  At the moment, the overall target for the refuge is 100 sponsors.  We can do it, with your help.[:D]

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Good morning all,[:)]

Well, we have had a super response to the help which was required collecting unwanted cats and kitties from Cherbourg Ferry Terminal.  Even those who were at first a little sceptical are coming forward.  Donations are on the way from a gentleman in Avranches who is also going to offer two kittens a home and people are setting up Direct Debits to become monthly sponsors.  A couple who recently moved over here and made a donation of food are also going to go to the refuge and hopefully offer a home to two cats/kittens.  Please do not sit back though.  We still need your help - a few new faces would be nice too.  You may feel that what you can offer is so little as not to be worth it, but it is!  Perhaps you could collect a stack of English books from friends locally.  These are always a good seller for the charity.  Be a collection point in general for people in your area for food/blankets.  talk about the refuge to friends and neighbours.  They might not be aware of the refuge yet.[:)]

Hopefully there is not always going to be this big push.  The problem is, they need to get funds raised quickly to get the refuge comfortable for the winter.  They also need the help of some "handy" men and women!

It would be nice if we could arrange a work party of volunteers to get  this done.  If you think you will be able to offer a few hours individually or as a family that would be great.  Just let us know[;-)]

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[quote user="Llwyncelyn"]

Hi thanks for the posting.  Please can you send me a pm and then we can set up a monthly sponsorship.  Its strange I have just done our prelevements and over egged the pudding by a certain % each month and thus have some spare cash.

Finally I sponsor back home three dogs with the Dogs Trust so we should achieve balance in favour of our feline friends.


Have sent you an E-mail this morning with the details[:D]  If anyone else would like them, just drop me a line...................................[:)]


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I am so pleased that the cat refuge is getting so much help. I have sent a cheque and I will keep sending donations. A artist friend of mine who is famous for her animal portraits has painted a picture in pastel of a cat, it is beautiful, I am going to raffle it amongst my friends (I don't think I could raffle it in public due to charity status!) and all the proceeds will go to the Montebourg Cat Refuge.

Of course we have our very own problem on our doorstep @ our holiday house in France: 1 very hungry mother cat and 6 even more hungry kittens. We are only there every 6 weeks or so and then we feed them up again and leave food with our neighbour who is not very enthusiastic about the cats. Hopefully I have had some success in placing some, but I have not heard back from the people who have inquired about a possible home for them. With winter coming I don't know what will happen to them. I feel very much like leaving my husband to his own devices here in England and move to France for good to look after "Twiglet" and children and adopt lots more cats!!

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