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Montebourg Cat Refuge

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We will be calling in on these people/cats on the way for a day out in Cherbourg.  We are taking a donation up to them and we are more than happy to take one for you, if you are willing and able.  I will pick up a couple of trays of cat food from Lidl and sort out some old towels for bedding.  The children want to donate their pocket money but I fear this is on the understanding that we purchase something fluffy for the kitties to play with.  Anything you can offer along these lines would be hugely appreciated, I know, so please try to help if you can.  I can arrange to meet up to collect donations locally - just send me a mail - I would love to fill the boot of the car!                  Thank you all[:D]
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Well, I'm not going to fill the boot at this rate am I?[:(]  For those who don't know, I live around the Villedieu/Percy/Gavray area (50).  Pleeeease help if you are happy to.  One can of meat is as acceptable as one tray.  I doesn't matter if the donation is small - it all helps[:)]
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Ok - We are neck and neck with the "other" Forum - One donation a piece.  If you want to beat them in the generosity stakes then we are going to have to do better - Come y'all - you know you  want to[:P]


Thanks all - keep it coming - What a lovely bunch of people you are[:D][kiss][:$]

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Sent you mail by return to meet at Lidl car park 10 a.m. today - did you not receive it?  Just arrived back home.[:(]

I will be in Villedieu (Lidl) at 5p.m. if you want to try again - That goes for anyone else who would like to donate.  It is only 7,20 Euros per tray of 20 cans. [:)] 

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You probably did what I sometimes do... I get the emailed notification of a PM and then click reply... since what I'm replying to is an automated email from Living France, the reply vanishes into the ether leaving me with a sense of a job accomplished... and the recipient wondering why I'm ignoring them! [:P]

I'll see you at 5pm today, Friday, at Villedieu Lidl - I drive a silver Passat estate... so when I'm peering round the carpark in a confused fashion, feel free to flash me. [:-))]

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Hi Sue,

Thanks so much for your kind offer.  I would prefer not to handle money on behalf of the refuge - could get too complicated if others offered to do that as well.  I am sure that a financial donation sent direct to them, in the form of a cheque,  would be happily received.  I don't think it would cost them to process it, but I will check and get back to you.[:D]

A huge thanks to every one who has now donated.  [:)][:D][:-))][kiss]


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Hi Harley, I have only just seen your plea on this forum, I guess I am more on the "other side" at the moment!

I am so glad you are helping and I know they are grateful for donations in cheque form! A "painter" friend of mine who is famous for her animal portraits has agreed to paint a pastel of a cat for me which I then will raffle, hope I will raise lots of money for the Cat Refuge! They are doing such a great job.

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Yes it is, St A. Are you in need of a kitten??[:-))] - more have arrived in the last week or two and I know they'd like to get them homed before the weather gets colder.



The issue illustrated is the last one. It isn't the one with the le Chat Mon Ami article.

I'm waiting for Harley to come back and tell us in horrified tones how many cats they bought back with them... [:P]

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Much as I was tempted, we are moving into a village house soon and we have four (rescued) already.[:)]  Today we were able to deliver enough cat food for five days, some cat litter, toys for the kittens, warm blankets and 13 boxes of brand new (boxed) floor tiles.  We have the same quantity of tiles to go again on the next visit and a computer kindly donated by a client of my husband. [:D]

It was a drop in the ocean, gratefully received, but a mere drop in the ocean, none the less.

They need serious offers of help to get their pens comfortable for the winter.  Materials and workmen/women to get stuck in.  They need concrete bases created to sit the pens on to allow for easy cleaning and therefore better hygiene.  Lots of concrete required!  The refuge needs to be somewhere it would be a pleasure to spend a little time - the longer you want to be there the more likely the cats are to find a home.  When you are sitting in front of your cosy fires this Winter, snow falling thick and fast, will you be able to picture comfy cats, because you helped to make their lives a little better?

We all have other things to be doing but a couple of hours out of your life could make a hell of a difference to theirs.

Today we became a "Friend" of Le Chat Mon Ami and have offered to financially support them with a 10 Euro monthly donation - is anybody else out there willing to do the same?  As a family group or perhaps a group of friends?  We are also hoping to help them by putting the cats on the web using our own web site to display the cats and kitties looking for homes, until their web site is up and running.  My husband will support them in the area of IT and I will generally try to fund raise where I can.  Be prepared for me to hassle you too now - sorry!

If you can find it in your heart and/or your pocket to lend a hand please do it now - the weather is possibly on the turn and I don't fancy their chances much.  If they can get going financially it will mean they can start on a programme of education and neuturing that much sooner. There was a young French boy there when we arrived just generally helping out but apparently he donates his pocket money to buy cat food.[:D]

As to the cats, they are beautiful.  And so affectionate!  I was amazed!  They just wanted cuddles. There were at least two who would have been coming home with me if we hadn't already got a house full.  Beautiful colours and characters. If you are after a moggy/kitten, this is the place to go. Angelique was out rounding up more kittens in Cherbourg when we arrived..........................[blink] 

PS A bit of corporate sponsorship wouldn't go amiss..............................anyone have any contacts[Www]

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I'd love to help and take a couple off her hands but our poor old boy is 17 and struggles with his breathing quite a lot and I know it would be cat hell for him to have a couple of lively young kittens running around.  Besides, my husband is a terrible "cat snob" and when our old boy does finally shuffle off I know my husband will only be prepared to replace him with another Burmese.  However, as I said before, let us know when you're next making the trip and I'll willingly meet you in Villedieu with whatever goodies I can rustle up.  One reason I daren't go there myself is because I know that whatever my OH thinks, I wouldn't be able to come away without a couple of kittens and then I'd be in big trouble!!

By the way Christine, Rendez-Vous is a new Brit mag for Normandy.

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Yes, thanks, Catalpa gave a link above.

Catalpa, I thought your name was something to do with cats, but I recently heard it's a tree (and a very pretty and exotic one!).   [:)]


Harley, I really feel we should ask James for an animal welfare/rescue/protection section, separate from the travelling with pets, etc.  What do you think?

What do you think James      Image Preview



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St Amour, I feel that we will be visiting again very soon.  The children are very keen to help in some way and we have other bits to deliver.  Thank you for your kind offer, I will let you know when we are going.  If there is anyone you know down your way who may also be willing to donate some food/blankets/towels/kitty litter that would be fantastic.[:D]

Cat food  (wet) Around 7Euros a tray (20cans) Lidl

Large boxes/bags of cat biscuits just as cheap Lidl

Kitty Litter around 1.50 Euros a bag for supermarket own brand

Blankets/towels/old jumpers - Free - just stuff that is no longer required

Any ideas for Fund Raising would be appreciated.[:)]

Would something along the lines of a mediavel style banquet go down well?  As well as the more usual book/plant stalls, Vide Grenier etc. 

Christine, I think that would be a really good idea.  Perhaps we could also ask James to speak to the powers that be at Living France/France Magazine if they would be willing to sponsor the refuge for an agreed monthly amount?

Donations from the public in the way of food and cash will help them jog along but at the moment they need to get these holding pens sorted out and that it going to take an immediately large fund.[blink]

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There are times, you know, when silence is not at all golden...........and this is one of them[:(]

I will ask what I have asked on the "other side".

I know there are a few who will just give for the pleasure of giving to a worthy cause and because they are in a position to do so. But, what would inspire the rest of you to do the same?

Do you like to see something back for your donation?  There is nothing wrong with that, I might add.  At the end of the day, a donation has been made and that is what matters.

ie by purchasing tickets to an event/meal out etc?

Purchasing items from Vide Grenier/Marche?

Raffle tickets/chance to win something?

Your feedback on this will be very helpful.[:)]

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