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Any Staffie Lovers ?

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Has Tess been rescued yet?

10 weeks ago we adopted an 8 year old Staffie, and I can honestly say it's the best thing we've ever done (including buying our beloved cottage in Picardie).  I have had lovely dogs before, but Kimba is something else again.  We keep telling her that middle-aged ladies should behave with a little decorum and she pants happily in agreement as she blunders into yet another bush after her ball.

We received her passport a couple of weeks ago, and are now impatiently waiting until February when we can introduce her to our French village and the inhabitants.  Our elder daughter is, very thoughtlessly, expecting her first baby in the same month, so I keep telling her to hurry up and get it over with, so our journey won't be delayed any longer than necessary!!

If only we could live in France permanently, Tess would be welcome to join our family like a shot.  Sadly, this cannot be for some time to come.

Please let us know the outcome.


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  • 1 month later...

Good News for Tess   [:)]

Janet, who originally contacted me about Tess, had to temporarily take her in as the person who had adopted her after the death of her owners was really decided to get rid of her, but Janet said she could not keep her because of her cat.

Janet is such a kind person, and as she says, Tess is such a lovely dog, that they have finally decided to keep her saying that after what she has been through she needs to have a loving home and that is what she is going to get with them.  They are going to try to slowly get her used to their cat.

How lucky for Tess to have had Janet around.


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Christine you will know that we have a Staffie a Bassett and a terrier sort and maybe in the fullness of time another dog and even sooner perhaps a cat or two.  I must be mad.


However back to the Staffie please believe this but our Staffie grew up with what were then four cats in the UK.  They got on so so well.  Cats were the boss but they even slept together.  After a while there will be no problem.



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