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Would you like a magnificent Groenendael

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They have been putting lovely dogs down at Niort.  I have chosen this beautiful Groenendael to see if someone might like to give him a home before the same happens to him.  You do not see that many of these handsome dogs and he is only a year and a half old.


There are others, Setters, Gordon Setter, Labrador, Brittany Spaniel (he's next on the list!) and they can be seen here       http://tinyurl.com/y7a6fp

You can also click on the Trouvés as they are now also up for adoption.


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Christine you know our problem?  Why or why I just do not know what to say or what to do.  However we have the opportunity of buying the 14 acres around us (its a long drawn out family thing theirs not mine) so a refuge comes easily to mind.

It just tugs at the heart and what as dog owners and lovers do we do about this wanton waste and waste it is.  What a marvellous looking dog.

Last week I had to support our elderly cat with renal failure and for whom the kindest thing was to have him put to sleep.  That was horrible for me for he too was rescued over 15 years ago.

How can you put a young and healthy dog to sleep.

If I had a wish it would be that we had here in France the equivalent of the Dogs Trust and who absolutely deserve all the support we can give them for they do not put down a healthy dog.

Another restless night questioning ones sanity

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I don't know how the Dogs Trust operates Llwyncelyn, but there are also organisations here who don't put them down such as Assistance aux Animaux, Fondation Bardot and so on.  But I suppose when they are full they have to close the door.  Places like Niort, and they are only for Niort there is no SPA refuge for the Deux-Sèvres, take in the strays and those abandoned in their area.  They cannot close the door and when there is no more room, they have to make some... somehow.  They don't like doing it, but where is the solution?

It is a terrible situation and the only other solution is getting as many out as possible.


I feel so concerned for the older dogs who have hardly a chance and there is a marvellous association for some of them   



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There is someone on the forum who is probably going to have Atlas, the beautiful dog above.  I am so pleased and grateful, it will also make room for another.

Llwyncelyn, thank you so much also for you help in trying to find someone.

There are still the others on the link above.   [:)]     Here again    http://tinyurl.com/y7a6fp


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Our last 5 dogs have been rescued. We have 2 small children that have never had the slightest problems with any of them. All the dogs were/are devoted to the family - 3 of our rescues were GSDs, 2 white of both sexes and a black and tan, with 2 of them still with us.

The french were very wary of our GSDs but realise that it is the environment, not necessarily the breed, that they are raised in that is the problem. If they socialise from an early age with people and other dogs there really should not be a problem.

Having said that our GSD puppy deprived us of 1 chicken for the pot!!
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Now here's another example         

This poor little dog, and it's a three year old Bichon, friendly, fine with cats, children and other dogs, is in a refuge in the north.  This refuge is apparently known to put them down as there are probably a lot of others coming in.  There has been a call out for him as he is in danger (or was).  I cannot understand that such a little creatue has not been snapped up.

Luckily someone has offered to take him in foster care to get him out of there and they are trying to organise a co-voiturage to take him down to her in the 44 (west France), but he needs a permanent home.  If anyone is interested I can put you in contact.  (He has obviously been clipped on the photo).


Edit : I think this little one is now going to a young couple in Paris.


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Well, he's out !


Atlas left for a great new life in the Dordogne yesterday with a wonderful family.  I am so pleased to have met such marvellous people fom this forum and a big thank you once again.


I also brought back Lip, the Brittany Spaniel


He's a lovely dog, very young and good looking for his for his eleven years.  He would make a quiet, well behaved companion for someone (and then I could rescue another one!). 


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Thank you Chrissie, no we still have Lip and Cachou the little Caniche, an exceptionally sweet little dog, no trouble at all, just soft and cuddly.





There are plenty more at Niort, you can also click on the Trouvés      http://tinyurl.com/y7a6fp

As you suggest, I shall start another thread.


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