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Help to find Faya

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Hi everyone,

In 2004 I moved to france with my partener ,horse ,dog & cat. Everything went smoothly until 12mths later I had to have a hip opperation thus making it impossible for me to ride my beautiful Faya. rather than leave her stuck in a field for the rest of her years ,she was only 13 yrs old. I decided to find someone to have her on loan . A lady came forward and seemed to me to be caring & knowledgeable about keeping horses ,so I felt happy for her to have faya. She also gave me her phone number & address & email ,promised to keep intouch via phone & photos. This was fine (although the photos nevermaterialised) this lady phoned me usually once a month for the first few months & then she asked me if she could use faya for breeding ,this I agreed to aslong as I could go & see her with her foal as Id wanted to do this had I got the money .She agreed to this but said I would have to send her documents as without these faya could not be bred from. So being very naive I sent these off to her.

In Sept 2006 we had to return to the UK due to money probs. I could not get intouch with this person as we were living in a tent till November & as soon as was possible I wrote to her explaining our situation . Since that date in Nov. I have phoned & got the answer machine everytime , written letters unanswered & sent emails again not answered. I have posted on other forums & the kind people on there have tried to help one lady took her dogs for a walk round the area of this house & saw an english reg car outside but no sign of a horse.

I have checked to see if she has transfered ownership of faya but have been told she has not. so it seems she has not legally done anything wrong.but has dissapeared off the face of the earth with my beautifull arab mare faya.

Please if anyone lives in or near to the Rivel area in the Aude please could you enquire if the lady with the beautiful Chestnut arab Faya was still around. I know she used to ride out with a french lady from the same village but this is all I know.

I know I am clutching at straws bt I dont know what else to do as I cant really afford to drop everything & fly out there.

Thanks for reading this I hope there is someone out there who can offer me some help



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Hi Heather.

I've been following this on Total France.

Can you post a link to the first page of the thread there, as not everyone here reads both forums, and it will save time re-capping what has been tried so far by people on TF.

I know someone has been to the address and seen a car, but no one has made physical/verbal contact with the woman who has loan of your horse.

I'd do the link myself, but my address bar has disappeared...[:(]



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