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A life in France , not perhaps the usual.

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I'm looking for something I suppose a little unlike most people . I'm looking for a small house or appartment with garden, in a town. I don't want to be outside of facilities, that is what draws me. I want to be living the day to day life or what is the point?
I'm looking for somewhere in close proximity to crossings. But with a nice environment.
If I want to live in the French way, well, most people live in towns and cities.
So my options are, in or near to, St. Malo, Caen, Cherbourg, Le Havre.
I don't drive, so I need somewhere on a rail line from these places.
I don't have a heck of a lot to spend, so that would make a difference too.

I'm not a 'loadsamoney' from the UK. Just someone who feels their destiny is in France and is willing to pay their way.
No problem jobbing there, cleaning, whatever. That is what I'll be looking for, and I hope to find.
As I say not the usual, is there a place for us on the site? And in France?
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This site is the same as France, extremely diverse in both cutlures, religion and background. So provided you have the will and do your homework first you should be OK. Look for Immobilier plus the towns you are interested in on the internet to get ideas. Some of the better agencies give details on the area. Come and visit France perhaps 2 or 3 times before you make your mind up, especially visit in Jan or Feb when it is winter.

Once you have started your search ask questions here, it doesn't matter how simple the questions are (make sure you do a search here first so as not to duplicate).

Finally, I said France is diverse so don't worry if you get two (or more) different answers to the same question it's just that each area/department approaches things differently, knowbody here tries to pass duff information deliberatly.

Good luck with your search and welcome to the forum.


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Valognes is an attractive small town about 10 miles south of Cherbourg. It has good rail and bus connections with Cherbourg, you can even get a direct train to Paris. Another town close by is Carentan again good bus and train connections.

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I take it you want to be near a ferry port.

St Malo's nice - but I don't think rail links are at all good. You can get a small ferry to Dinan or Dinard though.

Le Havre is a lot more interesting than it looks on the outside, great if you're into the arts. But its future as a UK-bound ferryport is a bit uncertain.

Cherbourg isn't attractive, but it has facilities etc.

Caen is nice, but the port is some way away - no rail link to the town though there is a somewhat iffy bus service.

I can understand why you may not be thinking of Calais, but have you considered Dieppe? And Boulogne is getting a ferry service again. And Dunquerque too, though again the ferry port is some distance from the main town. Roscoff's nice, though not a lot to it.

Will (50)

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