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Hi, we have 3 kittens born 23rd April in our barn free to good homes. We also have 4 kittens born on Monday to the same mother which has come from our neighbours farm also free to good homes obviously when they are ready to leave their mother. My son is allergic to cats so we can't keep them and at the moment we have 9 cats. We live in department 56 near Pontivy



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Where does your son live if you have 9 cats and he is allergic to them?!

I really do applaud you for trying to find a home for these kittens (and the puppies in the other post) but it seems as if it is a problem that is going to reoccur regularly for you if the animals are not sterilised or given the pillule (sp?). I am sure you realise this, but have you approached the owners to ask if they are willing to do anything about it? If not, if kind-minded people like you and your son come across these animals, you will end up inundated. I know it seems cruel, but at lest the owner of the puppies stated he was going to kill them rather than let them go wild/abandoning them, which in my opinion is taking a certain amount of responibility for them.

I am a cat lover, we have three (all abandoned), but if I took in all the stray cats around me, or tried to find them homes, it would be a full time job and that would only cover about 20 metres either side of our house! Our local roads are strewn with run-over kitties as passing cars hit them and it is awful. These animals must be sterilised to stop this problem, and that is what many locals here seem against - they seem to think it is cruel.

I hope you find homes for them all, good luck! And, no thanks, I can't take any more!


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My son lives in the house the cats don't. Thay are all stray. I made the mistake of feeding one from the find behind us when we first moved here 3 years ago she has now gone but she had a litter in our barn which my daughter found and started feeding and now we have 9, 4 of them born last week. I did think it might be kinder to kill them but I just couldn't do it.  I will be taking them to SPA when they are old enough to leave their mother, along with the rest of them. The farm has no cats now.If another stray ever turns up I will learn to ignore it and not feed it. I never wanted cats, I'm not a cat lover just a soft touch
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