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Border Collie - Seeks his forever home


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I recently rescued a gorgeous Border Collie Dog, from a local refuge (one I am told that put down dogs within a few weeks if they dont find a home quickly).  He is pure BC, long haired, Black & White.

It was always our intention to rescue another puppy as we have found this the most successful way to integrate new additions with our cats, other animals etc.  However on visiting the rescue I disgarded the pups, having spotting the most handsome male Border Collie.  Unfortunately the refuge had no history of him, so it was a risk.  At the end of the day I wanted to pay to take him out of the kennel environment as he looked so thin and unhappy (the other dogs were all very excited and he just sat and looked at me).  The refuge tell me they think he is about 7 years old, but he may well be younger and plays like a puppy. He is microchipped.

He has blossomed into the most beautiful boy, is fully housetrained, has gone from growling if you go near his food bowl, to sitting and waiting for his food, plays with our young female border collie  for hours and hours (so no issues with other dogs at all), and when I get his lead he will stand on something high so I can reach his collar more easily - he is an absolute delight and pleasure to have around.

So now for the "but".  We have 2 cats, free-range chickens and ducks and he is a real chaser, and for this reason cannot be left in a room with my cats, or be let out without a lead.  We are at the beginning of a major 2 year renovation project on our new house, and our new boy has to be contained in the house whilst I am working, which then means I cannot let my other collie out either (just wouldnt be fair).  I have trained my other collie for months, and she happily wanders our land, and has total respect for the other animals.  Unfortunately our new addition would prefer to eat them, and as such I am constantly checked doors, making sure the cats are not behind doors when I open them etc.  It is also not fair for a collie to be kept on a lead indefinitely.

My husband would like me to take him back to the refuge asap, but I am not prepared to do that - he deserves life & love, and a home to call his own.  I have no regrets, and am just glad that I was able to offer him freedom, away from a kennel environment, or worse still death!  Im having sleepless nights over the whole situation and I am desperate to find him his forever home soon.

I am not asking for anything for him just a loving home for the rest of his days. 

Whoever offers him a forever home will not be disappointed, he is such a beautiful boy, and if I didnt have to spend 12-14 hour days working on our house I would keep him myself.

If anyone can help please get in touch.  We are in Dept 50 - Manche (Normandy), near to both Mortain & St Hilaire.

Many Thanks








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