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Bat in my belfry!

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Okay, I don't even know what a belfry is...

However, I do have one in my bedroom!

It's been going on for a few months now, unfortunately my partner thought I was suffering from hypnogogic hallucinations (half awake half asleep) so we haven't investigated the problem properly. Either way, the bat comes and then goes so who cares?

This time it's different, the bat was flying around the room last night, then it settled on the skylight (hard to see because it's quite high up) then it came back; even pausing on the wall just above our bed at one point (arrggh!). It did this two or three times and I slept on the sofa.

My dog (pictured) helped by repeatedly throwing a pair of underpants into the air and attacking me. I managed to get a photo and tonight it's back again.

I've opened the window and am going to turn off the lights now. Any other advice?

Does France have a bat squad?



(As I type it's come back and is reeling around my head! Urrrgh! I'm off!).

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Well Chris,

It's hardly a fruit bat but looks big enough to take an eye out if it decided to go all kamikaze.

It landed on the wall for a rest at one point and - without the wingspan - looked much less grand!

I'm going to investigate the skylight today as the poor thing may be resting in a crevice and popping back out at night in a weakened state, (can't see it finding much nourishment up there). If there's no bat I'll silicone up any gaps; apparently they can crawl through tiny spaces, so it could be the case that every now and again one of a family of bats accidentally finds its way into the bedroom.

I'm hoping it has found a new entrance point through the skylight rather than being trapped inside at the roof tile level (they tend to move around a bit - check out the orange stains on the white walls, that's rainfall that is!). The fact that we've had a couple of bats now over a period of months would suggest that they're okay up there and that any gaps leading into the room are more of a hindrance than a help.

Hate heights, not keen on bats, this should be fun. [+o(]

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