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Worming tablets

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thank you, does anyone know if there is an alternative to tablets, as my half ferral cat surely aint going to like me stuffing one of them down its throat, usually manage all other cats that way (put it in their food - no chance) but the stuffing method might prove a tad tricky!!!
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[quote user="Bluebells"](put it in their food - no chance) [/quote]

My cat and dog would definitely not take a hidden tablet in food but I grind up their vermifuge tablets and mix it in with 'wet' food and they don't bat an eylid.

BTW you can buy vermifuge tablets from many pharmacies that also stock veterinaire products.

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To worm our cats I use a kind of paste in a big sirynge doofer. Brilliant - you adjust the dossage according to the weight of the cat, pop the end in it's mouth and squirt. It's obliged to swallow the stuff. It's called Vitaminthe - I get it from the vet. It does about 4 or 5 goes I think. Nothing could be easier.

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