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Please help lovely Léa

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Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome the lovely Léa (applause)


Léa is a scrumptious, loving, playful Podenco cross. Aged around two and a half she is struggling with life living in the confines of an apartment in Paris. Her foster carers are doing the best that they can for this lovely girl but she desperately needs to run and to feel free.


She loves to play but a little too much with cats. She would never intentionally hurt them but she's just to strong for any kitty's so a home without them is a necessity.


As you can see from the photo she is a big soppy mare when it comes to loves and cuddles. She just can't get enough of them.

Léa has huge amounts of energy and will keep going all day long so an active household would be great.

Is there someone out there who could give this girl a home with lots of walks, playing, cuddles and mental stimulation?

Can you really resist that face???



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Come on folks, let's rally round again and find a family for Lea, like happenned for Roqui.

Wish I could help more personally but I am still in UK and I have two big dogs here already.  

Maybe there is a family mourning their own pet who can offer a loving home for Lea?   A kind deed like that reaps its own rewards, not least the adoration of this lovely little girl, so what are you waiting for ?


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Thank you Framboise

I feel like i'm losing the battle with this little girl. I don't understand why no-one's come forward. I don't know how long she can go on in the apartment. The sad thing is is that she might have to be moved to a temporary home again because she needs a high fenced, secure garden to be able to run around in. This means that she'll go from being rescued in Spain to a shelter, then into foster care, then another foster home and then a forever home - hopefully. I think she's been through enough which is why I want to find her a forever home asap.

Why haven't the photo's pulled at someones heartstrings? I don't understand.

Thank you so much for your support in trying to re-home Léa x

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[:D] [:D] [:D]

I am absolutely delighted for little Lea, thats the best news I have heard since Roqui went off to his new home and has made my day!!

Magnolia, you do a wonderful job in helping these poor dogs find new families and I wish I could help by taking one in myself.  Unfortunately I have two BIG rescues we adopted here in UK, but maybe when I move out to our place in France with the BIG fenced-off garden...................    Just have to butter-up the OH!!

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Hi Reikiman

Thanks for your enquiry. I'm pleased to say that Léa has now been re-homed. However, if you're looking to adopt a dog I can certainly help you. I know of so many other dogs like her looking for loving homes. If you're interested, i'd like to try and find you a rescue dog that ticks most, or even all of your boxes. I'm in the Charente-Maritime but we have foster carers all over France and Spain who take in these abused and abandoned dogs between kennels and their forever homes. If you'd be willing to give me all of your criteria and what you want from your dog and also what your don't want, i'm sure I can help. There is no fee for this. I do this for the love of these gorgeous dogs and if I can find a home for just one it makes it all worthwhile.

Please feel free to email me or call me direct on 0546490844 for more information or a general chat



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Oh dear! Léa is once again looking for a forever home [:'(] It seems that Léa was able to find every hole in their fence and got out a couple of times. She is a lovely dog and good with other dogs and cats it seems, but she needs some serious recall training. I'm heartbroken because yet again, she's back to the confines of an apartment.

If someone could give her the time and patience to train her in this one area she'll be wonderful. Please take another look at the photo's of her. Surely you can see the love in her expression.

Come on guys [kiss]


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